Author Topic: ABC 3-Day Magic Attempt 5mo2week old  (Read 3497 times)

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ABC 3-Day Magic Attempt 5mo2week old
« on: May 31, 2019, 17:33:32 pm »
First time really trying to get my LO to fall asleep when not being held. I work part time, and she is becoming a terror for my daycare! We had reflux issues which seem resolved now, or at least meds are working. That's probably where the holding her to sleep started, I couldn't tell if she was hungry, in pain, or just tired, so I'd give her the breast to fix whichever one she needed to fix and then hold her while she slept since I felt so bad!

I've been working on getting her to not need to nurse to sleep, and last night was the first night I didn't and my DH was able to get her down relatively easily. But that was holding until asleep and then putting her down.

So my question is, do I put her on a schedule first, or do I do the 3-day magic trick of getting her to sleep in her crib first? Would it be easier to get her to sleep in her crib if there was a schedule?

Thank you! I've tried other schedules before but they never worked because of her reflux and it was too hard to know why she was crying!