My boy is 4 months old and is having major trouble transitioning sleep cycles on his own. I have moved him onto a four hour routine so his naps should be 2 hrs each at this point. He is sleeping two hours but not on his own. He stirs and starts to cry a bit at the end of each 40 min cycle. I go in and roll him in his side, shush pat, put the pacifier in and he goes right back to sleep. I know he has the skills to transition cycles because when he was in a three hour routine he would do it occasionally. Around 2 and 1/2 months he was consistently sleeping an hour and half on his own for first nap but then would wake at the end of first cycle for 2nd and 3rd nap. Then around 3 months he started waking at first nap, still at second nap but then would sleep an hour and a half on his own consistently for third nap. Now that he is four months and he has been put on a 4 hour routine, he hasn’t made it through any naps on his own. I've tried PU/PD, tweaking his A times, W2S, sitting next to him throughout the nap in an effort to extend the nap before he fully wakes. I've tried leaving him in the crib as he stirs and is fussing but not yet crying to see if he’ll fall back asleep on his own. Nothing is working to help him transition sleep cycles on his own. I’ve had him on the 4 hour routine for about a week now. I have tried wake to sleep again (as I hadn’t tried it in over a month) with minimal success. It’s basically been over two months of “helping” him transition sleep cycles and though he’s capable of doing it on his own, he just isn’t doing it. Why?? Please help!!