Hi, It's Me again... He's now 8 months and he has been on EASY since 2 months.
. Although his naps were fixed and sleeping went well for a few months he has started waking again, for over two weeks he wakes around 10.30pm crying, I don’t go into him and he usually settles him and sleeps till around 3am.
He wakes anytime between 3 and 4am and I’ve tried PU/PD which doesn't work, he screams and pushes me away, I’ve tried putting him down and just cries, leaving my hand on his back, given him water but he seems hungry and the only thing that works is milk, where he takes about 150ml and settles to around 6am and again wakes crying and tired. More milk of around of 100ml settles him to about 7.30am.
He has 4 teeth and others are coming through. I'm exhausted and at a lost with the night wakings.
His schedule is
E 07.30 200ml milk and 25g baby porridge
A walk play
S 10.30
E 12.00 150g mix protein, veg and pasta/rice/potatoes
S 13.30 - 15.30
E 15.30 250ml milk
A play and walk
E 18.00 35g pasta/rice with vegetables
A bath
S 19.15 bedtime