My initial thought was growth spurt but it’s been a week and sometimes she goes up to 4 hours without a feed I’m the last few days, sometimes barely making it to 3. I do notice an increase especially at night. Last week she was doing 2-3 NF. Last 3 days 1-2 NF. Before she was only going 1NF. She’s also teething but we started giving Tylenol the last 2 nights. First night she only woke once to nurse, last night 3 times. I didn’t give her a top up before bed bc it was so close to her feed after her last nap. Maybe I should have.
It’s hot here! We don’t go out when it’s super hot but it’s summer and it’s a strong one.
I am wondering about my supply as I’ll admit I don’t drink nearly as much water as I should. Two kids makes me focus more on them than myself.
Should I cluster for every feed or should I drink lots of water and hope I get more of a supply?