EAT > Breast Feeding

Does 6 mo old need a top up?



My now 6 month old (5 months adjusted) is starting to extend her A. She’s currently at 2.25 A the issue is she seems to wake up early sometimes hungry but looks tired. I just started solids but she’s not too interested in them. I don’t push it as I know milk is the primary source until 1. I’m only starting at one meal a day.

Should I try a top up before? If so, when? I don’t want to nurse to sleep either.

Thank you!

Is it hot where you are?
What (if any) night feeds does she have from bedtime to morning wake up?
Domy thought is 6month growth spurt /if hot could be thirsty.
Also if you are BF and not getting enough fluids it can impact your supply so might be having smaller feeds so needing more earlier. Maybe try some cluster feeds...feed then offer again 20-30mins later.


My initial thought was growth spurt but it’s been a week and sometimes she goes up to 4 hours without a feed I’m the last few days, sometimes barely making it to 3. I do notice an increase especially at night. Last week she was doing 2-3 NF. Last 3 days 1-2 NF. Before she was only going 1NF. She’s also teething but we started giving Tylenol the last 2 nights. First night she only woke once to nurse, last night 3 times. I didn’t give her a top up before bed bc it was so close to her feed after her last nap. Maybe I should have.

It’s hot here! We don’t go out when it’s super hot but it’s summer and it’s a strong one.

I am wondering about my supply as I’ll admit I don’t drink nearly as much water as I should. Two kids makes me focus more on them than myself.

Should I cluster for every feed or should I drink lots of water and hope I get more of a supply?

Hot weather would effect your supply and her needs for fluid. I live in a hot climate and both mine were born in winter and over summer upped the night feeds as it was nicer to feed in the cooler night than day time when it was hot.

With the increased night feeds it does sound like a growth spurt and if I remember correctly DS1s lasted over 2 weeks and they can be longer sleeps because they need food and sleep to grow.
I'd definitely drink more and pick on or 2 feeds to offer more.

One thing for certain with parenting, just when you think it's all going smoothly, a speed bump comes along.

Ok this is super helpful! I was concerned I would create a snacking habit. I nurse on demand so was surprised at the increase in frequency of feedings along with NF. Last night she did one NF. I have to work on topping up before naps. Maybe after I offer solids?

I am only doing solids once a day of just a teaspoon. I read on this forum that’s usually what’s recommended for her age. Is that correct?


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