Author Topic: 4 months night and nap sleep issue  (Read 4022 times)

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4 months night and nap sleep issue
« on: September 16, 2019, 10:22:46 am »

I'm new posting and I apologies in advanced if I'm posting something already in the forum but I could not find my specific problem anywhere...

I have a baby boy 4 month old (17 weeks) and I'm following Tracy suggestion from the book and forum since the beginning.
He's been on a 3.5hr routing from the beginning as he was already like this from hospital and he was ok with this routine.
(he was eating 6 times at the beginning plus a night feed around 3pm, he dropped the night feed at 5 weeks).
He's only artificial milk, never breast feeding, and a good eater in general. he sleeps slighly lower the average time I saw online.

We moved to 4hr routing at 3 1/2 months as he looked ready (he started having night sleeping issue, which after the moving to 4hr got ok again).
He has also dropped dream feed 3 weeks ago ...we're now:

7am Eat
9/9.30am Sleep (1.30/2hr)
11am eat
1/1.30pm sleep  (1.30/2hr)
3pm eat
5/5.30pm sleep (0.30/1hr only)
7pm eat
7.30 bath
7.45 sleep

I have 3 issues right now:

1) the 2 day sleeps of 1.30/2hr are almost always interrupted after around 40mins and I need to calm him down (since 4 weeks I moved from shhpat to PuPd and it works fine), so I loose 5 to 15 mins sleeps at each cycle.
I was hoping it would get better after a few pupd days, and he would get used to these sleeps, but I see no progress in that and he keeps on waking up.

2) at nighttime, he sleeps very well in the first part of the night, but after 2pm he wakes up a lot (not at the same time). Most of the time he wakes up, "speaks" with himself for a while and he's able to get back to sleep, but he can stay up for half an hour, so we also cannot sleep as he's quite noisy. Then he wakes around 6am and start playing/speaking on his own; most of the time he does not start to cry and wait 7am, when I got to him... but lately he's waking up earlier and earlier and he starts crying, so I need to calm him down with pupd. (he's also not hungry or screaming for milk at 7am...)

3) after the catnap between 5 and 6, he's very hard to handle, as he's grumpy all the time until we arrive at 7pm. it does not look like he's hungry... he's just grumpy all the hour. Then he eats very relaxed, and he enjoys the bath.

From what I could understand, I think all these 3 issues are linked together and I may be doing something wrong in the routine... but I cannot figure out what's wong and how I can improve.
I feel sorry for him to have him so grumpy between 6pm and 7pm, plus I'd like for him to take longer night sleeps with no interruption and a more resting night sleep.

Any advise or suggestion is very much appreciated!!! thanks a lot!!!!