Author Topic: 21 month old sudden change in sleep  (Read 6629 times)

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Offline hedgehog113

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21 month old sudden change in sleep
« on: October 24, 2019, 09:10:07 am »
hi there
I really need help here. I am at my wits end pulling my hair out! My  boy is 21 months plus.

My boy suddenly changed his sleep pattern and I cannot find what is his new sleeping pattern. He has refused naps for the past ten days and totally down by 4-5pm.

His usual schedule with nap was something along these lines:
wake up :630am, maybe 7am
resting: 8.45am-9.15am put in cot to rest (he doesn't sleep, just plays around)
Nap: anywhere ranging from 11am-2pm to fall asleep, then sleeps for 1-2 hours
bedtime: 6.30-7pm
through the night: sometimes sleeps through the night, mostly night wakes for 1-2 hours.

He has been taking 2-3 hours to fall asleep for naps, so I decided to remove the resting period. He did well with the resting period since 13-19months. At first he falls asleep for naps with the resting period removed. Now its terrible.

Past ten days
wake up: 3am/ 4am/5am
nap: zilch...... he will not fall asleep. I tried 10.30am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm.
bed time: 5pm!! today was 4.50pm!!
sleep through the night: not really. When this new "schedule" started, he slept through. Now the past few days, he started waking at 2am, and takes 2 hours to fall asleep again.

He is sooooo tired and fussy everyday. He clearly needs a nap.

Can someone help me out?
What do you think i missed out? What is his new timing?