Author Topic: 6 month old, in practice it just doesn't work, screams when waking up  (Read 4698 times)

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Hello, I finished feverishly reading the book (Baby whisperer by Tracy Hogg) during every car ride where I have 5-10 min and while baby sleeps in the carrier and I'm trapped unable to sit down or put him down- you get the picture. I'll get to the point.  My son is 6 months and co sleeping with me and my husband (safely-following all guidelines) and I feel like we are getting to the point of waking each other up more often. Last time i tried to get my son sleeping independently was at 2 months and he woke up every 15 min all night for 3 nights straight in a bassinet in our room. He is as Tracy would say "grumpy" for first 2 months and now blossoming into a "spirited" baby. So I don't think we have gotten a single night of sleep without at least 3 wakeups. My husband has attempted to help a handful of times but ultimately isn't very good at it in the middle of the night he needs a few minutes to "wake up" before picking up the baby and maybe go to the bathroom first. So I end up wide awake in the meantime and get no extra sleep anyway. So I have done all the night wakings..
We tried Tracy's method of reassuring baby each time he cries in the middle of the night then putting him down and or backing up he went down each time pretty quickly but woke up anywhere from 5 min to 1 hour later. I think I went in >30 times. This was enough to make husband say alright he will sleep in our bed till he's 3 I give up! But honestly we are not getting great sleep that way either I feel like the only option is to teach him to fall asleep on his own so he has a chance of doing that when he wakes in the middle of the night. I question whether or not I am doing this right, if he is screaming and not just grunting fussing a little I should pick him up right? Or do some babys cry like that and still settle back down after a couple minutes on their own?

Offline Katet

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Re: 6 month old, in practice it just doesn't work, screams when waking up
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2020, 21:42:11 pm »
If he is screaming, I'd investigate health issues. I'd push for a Dr to properly check his ears and for gastro issues.
Until you can absolutely 100% rule out that there isn't a pain issue with sleep I wouldn't be looking at anything other than minimising being overtired. 
Does he sleep well in the day eg in a sling with you carrying him ?
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline Jekaterina

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Re: 6 month old, in practice it just doesn't work, screams when waking up
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2020, 17:45:52 pm »
I have same issue! In my case, my son used to have a health problem but now it is resolved. He sleeps perfectly with me but wakes up every 5-10-15 minutes in his own bed.