Since your child is used to the bottle before bedtime, start by gradually reducing the amount of milk given in the bottle. Over the course of a week or two, gradually decrease the amount of milk in the bedtime bottle while increasing the amount in the sippy cup. As you reduce the amount of milk in the bedtime bottle, offer comfort to your child in other ways. This could include reading a story, singing a lullaby, or cuddling with a favorite stuffed animal. The goal is to help her associate comfort with something other than the bottle.
It's normal for your child to resist the change at first. Be patient and persistent in offering the sippy cup. It may take time for her to adjust to the new routine.
By following these steps and being consistent, your child will gradually adjust to the new routine and become more comfortable with the sippy cup before bedtime. Remember that each child is different, so the timeline for adjustment may vary.
Eventually, when you will start diversification, you can prepare
Alfredo sauce recipe, smoothies, or porridge.