Author Topic: Catnapping all day  (Read 5003 times)

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Catnapping all day
« on: July 24, 2020, 06:28:46 am »
My LO is 13w old and has been Easy since birth. He slept and eat really good for the first 2mo and suddenly now he catnapping all day and wake up more at night. I tried Easy 4 on him since 1,5mo like Sleep for 2.5hr and wake for 1.5hr. At night he only need to be fed around 2am and sleep straight until 5:30am

Early from July until now, he only can sleep 30mins to 45mins and i tried to increase A time when he sleep for 45mins and even decrease A time if he sleep for 30mins but its still the same. Now i have to let him breastfeed to let him sleep back because he wont take the pacifier. I really dont know where i did it wrong

Hereby is his schedule yesterday for example:
Wake 7:16am
Sleep 8:35am
(Then he woke up at 9:21 but i gave him my breast so he sleep back until 11am)

Wake 11:00
Sleep 12:15
(Then he woke up at 12:47 again..)

Wake 2:47pm
Sleep 4:03

Wake 4:38
Sleep 5:45pm
Wake 6:00
Night sleep 7:06pm

There was a day before that at night he only sleep for 10h44p and i put him to the first nap early and his wake time is 1h6m and he sleep straight for nearly 3hr not wake up.

I really dont know how long he can stay awake anymore. I tried for the whole month but nothing works. Is there anyone can help me to get through this nightmare :( thank you a bunchhhh