Author Topic: Eat, burp, repeat nightmare at BT  (Read 10153 times)

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Offline 1stimer

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Eat, burp, repeat nightmare at BT
« on: August 21, 2020, 02:34:54 am »
Our 6 wo (2 weeks adjusted) has gotten into this habit at bedtime where he does his feed and beings to drift off and then gets fidgety for a burp. Once he's burped, he almost always is awake And looking for more and so the cycle continues for sometimes 2 hours. We pushed his bedtime routine by almost an hour because it was taking so long for me to settle him for the night. We do bath around 8ish and then once he's clean, lotioned and dressed we nurse. Currently I'm "triple feeding" so I nurse then give a bottle then pump. He has a recessed chin so his breasteeds don't get him everything he needs yet. Starting around 4 he's cluster feeding and taking cat naps. I'm still learning his cues for hunger and sleep but currently for the most part, if he's awake he wants to eat. I'm just trying to see if I'm forgetting some magic burp trick? I don't remember this issue with either of my other BW kids. He was 6.7 when he was born at 36 weeks on July 7th and he was just shy of 9 when we went for his growth check last Tuesday.


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Re: Eat, burp, repeat nightmare at BT
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2020, 08:16:31 am »
It's his unsettled period...I was told, one 2-3 hour unsettled period (mostly in the witching hours of evening) a day, one unsettled day a week and one unsettled week a month was pretty normal and average. Also with 36week babies, often they 'catch up' quickly and it could easily be a growth spurt.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline 1stimer

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Re: Eat, burp, repeat nightmare at BT
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2020, 01:53:36 am »
That makes sense. I feel like we have a solid routine and I just can't see what would cause him to be so unsettled..he has a witching hour starting around 4 but that's when all he wants to do is having an "unsettled" period would add up.


Offline Striker1s

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Re: Eat, burp, repeat nightmare at BT
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2023, 13:27:41 pm »
When burping your baby, try different positions such as over your shoulder, sitting on your lap, or lying on your lap. Gentle patting on the back or rubbing the back in an upward motion can help release any trapped air. Experiment with these positions to find what works best for your baby.
You can try burping him more frequently during feeds. This can prevent too much air from building up and causing discomfort.
Pay attention to your baby's cues and try not to overfeed him. In addition, once you start diversification try different recipes like chicken thighs in oven. Sometimes, the desire to feed may be more about comfort than hunger. Learning his hunger cues can help you distinguish between the two.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2023, 14:05:34 pm by Striker1s »