I found with night waking, don't feed to the clock, first waking was a resettle waking, then if they only slept 20mins, you'd feed on the next waking (definitely was a hunger waking) then over time you start to notice the resettling noise as opposed to the I'm hungry night cries, but it takes patience. I never really got my first sleeping for long stretches, yet my second just did it. In hindsight, I can see temperament plays into it and also how relaxed we are, the more stressed we are the more the baby tends to be unsettled, which makes it hard as we need a good night sleep to be relaxed, yet we aren't getting it. If I had my time over, what I learnt with my second was rather than thinking 'Ill be better if the baby sleeps better' it would be 'what do I need to do to cope best if I only get 2 hour blocks of sleep...so I'd nap in the day, go to bed earlier etc and as I got less exhausted, suddenly I noticed the baby slept more too.