Author Topic: How do I get my 7 week old to last longer between feeds at night?  (Read 5076 times)

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Offline Aimi

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My DD is 7 weeks old and on a 3 hour routine since just over 2 weeks. She's EBF and weighed 3,5kilos at birth and is putting on weight fine. There's no problem lastning between feeds during the day, we have to wake her up to eat but in the night she wakes up about every 2 hours and is hungry. It has always been like this since she was born so I don't believe it's a growth spurt. My question is, do I feed her more frequently in the day which will mean waking her up from naps early or is this her normal? Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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Re: How do I get my 7 week old to last longer between feeds at night?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2019, 10:50:16 am »
Just follow her lead.

Are you giving both breasts at each daytime feed?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Aimi

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Re: How do I get my 7 week old to last longer between feeds at night?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2019, 13:03:31 pm »
yes I do both day and night cause I have one breast that has considerably less milk so she's never satisfied with just that one.

Offline sharonpmn

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Re: How do I get my 7 week old to last longer between feeds at night?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2022, 13:36:16 pm »
I have had great success by bringing daytime feedings closer in time, moving the feeds closer each day by 15 minutes till we find the 'sweet spot' of timing which gives me and babe that much needed rest at night.
