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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #555 on: August 26, 2005, 03:34:34 am »
Wow Lindsey!! :shock: I don't even know what to say.  She truly is a miracle baby, a cute one at that. :D

Sharon - I guess you & I are the 'older' moms on this board. :wink: I'm glad to hear Ella's naps are improving.

Mimi - that pic cracked me up :lol: Can I ask what nationality you are?  I don't know if that's the politically correct thing to ask?? I just ask to see if you're from where I am :D  I'm all Korean, but I don't speak any Korean to Jadyn and I don't think I will.  My mom definitely is not pleased with that, but my Korean is so bad I'm embarrased to even speak it half the time. :oops:   I will teach her to eat all the good Korean food though. :wink:

MomtoRee - Jadyn will still eat some of my homemade baby food, like carrots, squash, apples, sweet potatos & peaches.  I just started giving her yogurt (loves it) and Laughing Cow semisoft cheese (can't tell if she likes it or not yet).  She loves to eat finger foods too.  I was making my favorite Korean dish which has Kimchee & tofu, and I gave her a bite of the tofu & she ate it!!  If she's my kid, she has to love tofu because it's one of my favorite foods. :D

Her naps were ok today.  I left her to stand & play til she started to cry & yell for help, which she did for 2naps & and nighttime.  I guess I can't complain since it took at most 15mins.  I put her to bed early tonight (7pm) in hoping that she won't wake at 5:50am, which btw is her new waketime :roll:  We'll see tomorrow.

She has 4 teeth total.  I've been feeling them lately when she's bfing.  She lets me know she's done by clenching her lips & biting a little :? Tonight she did that and I yelled loudly & laid her down & told her that hurts.  She looked at me & saw I was upset & she put her bottom lip out and started to cry.  It broke my heart.  It's like I hurt HER feelings.  :(  On the potty training (or potty sitting), I caught her grunting & ran to the bathroom & started to put her on the potty, and her poop was caught on the floor, on top of the diaper. :lol: She finished pooping more in the potty.  This time she laughed & giggled when I did the praise dancing.  She's so cute.  I forgot to put her on it after dinner and went to put her on it before her bath and she already had a suprise for me in her diaper. 

I loved reading everyone's age & experience about their pregnancy!! I feel like I know you girls!


Offline zayandme

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« Reply #556 on: August 26, 2005, 06:41:45 am »
Mimi, I wanted to crack up at that picture but I was so afraid that I would and you would tell me that they're her real teeth! Phew! Yes, that is hilarious.

Connor's mom- Isaiah just passed through that scrunched up smile thing. I would be at the grocery store and people would smile their "hey that's a cute baby" smile, and he'd shoot back a 'rat face' as you call it and they'd get all puzzled and say "can you smile?" or ask if he's alright. Hah.

Momto ree- did you just go CRAZY finishing school with a little one? My gosh, that is like insane. Did you do BW from the start? Do you think you had PPD? Did you have thyroid problems before Reegan was born?
Sarah,Mom of Isaiah, Textbook/Touchy
Jesus said, " Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27


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« Reply #557 on: August 26, 2005, 10:49:21 am »
Kathy - I'm Vietnamese and dh is Chinese.  I speak both Vietnamese and English to dd and since my parents will be taking care of her while I work, I'm hoping that she'll be fluent in both languages.  MIL and fil are not pleased that dh doesn't speak Chinese to dd but his Chinese is bad.  He once tried teach me to say "I'm his girlfriend" in Chinese but I ended up saying "I'm his lady friend" - meaning I'm a prositute!   :lol:

MomtoRee - we are done with baby food.  DD doesn't want anything pureed anymore.  She'll have finger food or food from my plate.  She isn't eating enough to consider it a meal but I'm not too worry as she is getting enough milk.  My nephew didn't even have baby food and went straight to real food when he was 16 mos.  Sil was happy as she hated preparing baby food for her first child. 

I'm using this picture as one of her "show the boyfriend" picture collection!

Offline jillybeansmith

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« Reply #558 on: August 26, 2005, 22:07:34 pm »
zayandme---I know, isn't it funny? Connor did the rat face around a 4 year old boy we know, and the little boy asked what he's doing, and if he's okay...Connor sometimes 'freezes' up when he gets too excited, his hands go straight out and he tenses up so he's shaking with excitement, like he doesn't know what to do with all of his excited energy...the little boy thought that that was odd as well...I just explained that Con was so excited that he didn't know how to express it.

As for my pregnancy, I had had a lot of bleeding which made us always fear was due to cysts, as well, i developed fibroids in my uterus, so I had a big lump on my belly, and also had high blood pressure.  After 1 and 1/2 week overdue, I was induced, but Connor was posterior, and due to a tilted cervix, there was no way out for him...the dr said that I could have been there for a week and wouldn't have made any progress... Anyways, we had the cesarean, and he came out perfect and beautiful.  So, that was how my pregnancy went.

Thank goodness for today's medical technology...think of the things that could have gone wrong in our parents or grandparents day...I for one wouldn't have been able to deliver back in the old days....The doctors were so wonderful...

Offline pdb

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #559 on: August 26, 2005, 23:41:28 pm »
Wow-didn't check the forum for one day and there were three new pages!

It's  fun finding out everyone's ages and reading about your labors.  My pregnancy went  well, but my labor was really long!  I too wanted to have a natural childbirth and even switched to a midwife at  32 weeks after a doctor at my practice told me that by five years from now they would probably be delivering everyone by Cesarean. :shock:
I went into labor at midnight Christms Eve. Went to the hospital at 8 am and was only 1cm, went home.  Went back at 8pm,  STILL only 1 cm.  The nurse felt sorry for me and let me stay awhile.  About an hour later my water broke and my labor got very hard.  Went form 1cm to 6 in about an hour and a half.  The hospital I was in had doulas but there was only one there because it was Christmas and she was already with someone else, so I ended up asking for an epidural, it never took on one side.   At 5:18 on the 26th Susana was born after 2 hours of pushing!  She let me know from the beginning that she was going to be a lot of work.  :wink:

Lindsey - All of that must have been so scary for you! 

We're having sleep issues again!  For now, still sleeping through, but going to bed is a nightmare.  The Sleep Lady techniques worked great.  Gradually moved out of the room.  She went down easily three nights in a row, a little fussing but went to sleep on her own and then three days ago decided she would scream her head off whenever I put her down.  I try letting her cry and checking on her every five minutes or so, but she gets sooo upset.  I finally end up picking her up and putting her back down as soon as she's quiet which is like 2 seconds after I pick her up.  She also starts with the mamamama when I leave which makes it really hard not to just go scoop her up. 

We've been lucky with the pulling up.  She has never gotten stuck.  She figured out how to get back down at the same time she figured out how to get up.  She's just now learning how to bend her knees, but before would just stick her butt back and drop.   :lol:

She's waving bye-bye now too.  It's so cute.  She's been waving her hand for a few days, but didn't really seem to make the connection until today.  We say bye-bye to her bath toys every night and tonight she waved at each one when I put them away. 

Mimi- Sorry to hear about your dh.  Keep us updated.

 I wish I could post a picture, but I have had no luck figuring out how to save a picture to the right size.  Plus I have dial-up which I hate.   :? I have Kodak Easy Share.  Anyone know how to reduce filesize with that?

Offline pdb

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« Reply #560 on: August 26, 2005, 23:42:30 pm »
BTW I'm 30.


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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #561 on: August 27, 2005, 01:42:11 am »
We went to the pediatricain today for 6 month shots.  We are a little behind because we don't do all of them at once.  And she had a bad reaction to her 4 month ones, so i've been dragging my feet.  she screamed absolute bloody murder when the doctor was just examining her.  she is TERRIFIED of strangers, and kept reaching out for me.  so sad.  she got pediarix today, so we are bracing for a rough weekend.  she has been very cuddly today since the appt.  she keeps hugging me and rubbing my cute!

ange-i asked the dr. about the rash that hannah seems to have too.  the dr said that it is common.  it is just an irritation to something in her clothes or my clothes, or perhaps from heat.  she said i can put moisturizer on it and see if that helps.  but she said as long as it goes away, don't worry about it.  let me know if your dr. says something different.

momtoree-law school with a newborn!?  very impressive!!!!  (i hadn't even brushed my hair 5 days post-delivery.)

sharon-glad to see improvement in your sleep cycles.  hope it continues.  ours seem to cycle between good and bad too.

phoebe-sorry to hear about more sleep trouble.  we also have the same thing.  i have been SO consistent with gianna.  we had initial success, but now she keeps wakingat nights and naps are going to 35 mins.  i really don't know what else to do except stick with our method.  i have NO idea what is causing all this.

i also liked hearing all the delivery stories.  seems like there were a lot of c-sections.  i too had hoped for a natural birth, but the c-section wasn't as bad as i had planned for.  don't get me wrong, it hurt like heck, but if i had another baby, i'd schedule another cesarean.  but who knows...maybe i sustained just enough brain damage during the pregnacy and the last 9 (sleep deprived) months to cloud my memory on the matter...

Offline MomtoRee

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« Reply #562 on: August 27, 2005, 01:59:43 am »
I can't believe all the hard times people had.  I guess that I was lucky to only have to do progesterone.  To answer the question I had my thyroid tested with my pregnancy test and it came back that I had issues.  I knew that I had problems but hadn't done anything with it because I just hadn't been to the doctor.  It runs in my family and my sister had a lot of problems.  This is why I have so many problems with my milk supply. 

And yes I did go crazy finishing school and doing teh bar.  That is why I didn't start BW until I was done.  Until then she slept half the night in the bed with me and I held her the whole time while I studied!  Talk about bad habits!

Mimi, I loved the picture!  That is a classic. 

Glad to see that someone else is done with the babyfood!  Tonight she ate a whole veggieburger.  Does anyone wlse have trouble with veggies.  She spits them out and refuses to eat them.  Any suggestions? 

It is so nice to know that we are not the only ones that are having sleeping issues.  Today one nap was only 30 minutes and then she cried for an hour!  Guess it is that 6th tooth coming in now!  I am scared to use the Motrin instead of the Tylenol because I remember seeing somewhere that there is a very small % of children that have a horrible reaction.  Does anybody know about this?  I want to check it out before I try it. 

SLeep well everyone!
Ree November 2004

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #563 on: August 27, 2005, 03:06:54 am »
We're still managing to get purees in between bites of finger food. though she will not eat anything unless she can eat finger food by herself. I am mixing veggies with all kinds of things to sneak them in. Veggie stews, roasted veggies, veggies with chicken, fish, etc. Let me know if you want any recipes... I have a fantastic book! Though they are purees... if they're thick I roll them into little balls and she eats it that way.

And once again Mimi--- you crack me up! I have visions of you going around telling all MIL and FIL's friends that you're they're sons prostitute while you're dating. Too funny!  :lol:  My dad is from Poland and he was always yelling at us in Polish. He never taught us any... I think it was his way of being able to say whatever he felt like without getting into any trouble.   :lol:

I also loved the comment about not even brushing your hair after 5 days let alone finishing law school. Exactly how I felt! In fact we were still in hospital in a complete daze... good on you!!!

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

Offline dixiedutch

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #564 on: August 27, 2005, 19:27:28 pm »
Wow! It has been months since I have posted here and there are so many new folks....

It is comforting to know that lots of you are having night-time sleep issues. I am glad I am not the only one burning the midnight oil.  I don't even remember the last time Lana slept through the night. I think I am due for a major PU/PD session soon.

Like you, Sharon, we do the morning nap in the jogging stroller while we are walking the dog. It is so short and variable anyway.

Our afternoon nap is usually at 2 or so and is pretty good: an hour to an hour and a half.....

Is anyone thinking of winding down the breastfeeding soon? I think about it a great deal with a mixture of anticipation and remorse.Any hints?

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« Reply #565 on: August 27, 2005, 20:34:07 pm »
Nice to hear from you Dixiedutch!  :D  I noticed another post of yours and wanted to comment on your avatar. What a sweetheart she is! And how did I never notice before our lo's have the same birthday?

Our schedule sounds the same as yours... dd is doing all night again after 3 1/2 weeks of pd.  :shock: But I think we're through it... for now...  :lol:

Can't help with the bf... we're doing bottles...

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

Offline Jadynsmom

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« Reply #566 on: August 28, 2005, 03:31:37 am »
Hi everyone

Dixiedutch - How many times are you bf?  I'm still doing 4, just dropped df.  I won't be much help since I plan to bf for another 8mos :wink:  I know I will probably drop to 3 feedings after 12mos, I think.  Then at around 15mos, I think I will do just am & bedtime.  At least that's my plan.  Never know when it actually comes down to that time.  Who knows dd might have other plans. :lol:

Mimi - I'm envious that you can speak both languages to your lo.  I really would love if Jadyn could speak 2 languages, but, really, my Korean is just plain bad.  I'm sure I'm worse than you husband's Chinese.

On eating solids, wow, Jadyn has been a little oinker!!  She loves the Laughing Cow soft cheese now.  I chew it up a little & give it to her & she just eats it up.  She's now eating 1 1/2 (1oz total) of the cheese, 1/4 cup of barley, 2 sweet potato cubes, and usually a little bit of yogurt for dessert and then how many ever Cheerios I give her. :shock:  And she still nurses pretty well at night before bed.

Sleep is a different issue, at least at nighttime it is.  Naps are ok.  It's different almost each day as far as the lengh, but it's 80% of the 1hr20mins.  Nighttime is kinda crazy.  I can't figure out if it's because of the dropped df.  She goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes almost every night around 2:30 or 3am.  I give her the paci & pat and she's back to sleep within 5mins.  And then at EXACTLY 5:50am she wakes for the day, all roaring to go.  No chance of getting her back to sleep.  I do try to hold off bf her til 7am, but sometimes she won't have it.  I'm tempted if this doesn't stop to do wake to sleep or give back the df.  What do you guys think?  I hate to go backwards & do df, but if it will get her through the night I will gladly do it.  I don't feed her at the 3am wake.

I've been doing the sign with her & she knows what milk is because she starts to do this laugh & like she's so excited noise and then she buries her face in my boobs. :lol:  But she will not sign back at all.  She's not waving or saying mama or dada.  I know she will do it soon, but I wonder when.

I came home from work today and she was soooo excited to see me.  She was sitting on the bed watching me take my makeup off and she started to crawl towards the end of the bed.  Dh stood at the end to make sure she wouldn't fall off, but she leaped forward so fast that she hit the rod iron bedpost with her cheeks!!  She got a purple spot right away & screamed.  Dh had to take her out of the room because I was screaming & crying at the same time, too.  I felt soo bad.  I keep hearing the sound when she hit the bedpost and seeing the purple spot on her cheeks still. :cry: 

I sure hope she will sleep in tomorrow morning, at least til 6:30am.  Hope everyone gets some sleep this weekend.


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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #567 on: August 28, 2005, 15:49:00 pm »
Interesting that you posted about Jadyn bumping her head on the bed- I was just coming on to post about Isaiah's newest bump!
It was so sad- he dove head first into the corner of this wooden box- I never knew how pointy that thing was until he hit it. No blood, just a really deep scratch that looks like a big bruise right now.
Makes my stomach drop when I hear his poor little head hit something. Seems like something happens every day- but this has been one of the worst!
Sarah,Mom of Isaiah, Textbook/Touchy
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John 14:27

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« Reply #568 on: August 29, 2005, 01:40:57 am »
Lindsey - You must have been so stressed your whole pregnancy.  She obviously is meant to be here and already has proven that she has the determination to prove everybody wrong....

MomtoRee - I am with Lindsey on this, very impressive indeed!  I believe 5 days after I was curled up on my bed between feedings wondering if the searing pain I was feeling from my newly engorged "granite boobs", and there ability to shoot milk clear across the room, was the slight discomfort and leaking I had been told about at my breastfeeding class...

Kathy and zayandme - sorry to hear about the bumps.   

Peter's two top front teeth are coming in...poor thing has had a runny nose and been drooling so much today.  I can see a little white spot on the right one. I hope they come through quickly.

As for the potty training I put him on 5 or 6 times today and he went everytime :shock:  :shock: ....I must have very good timing! He sure seems pleased with himself after he has gone.  He smiles at me everytime I make the potty sign to him, it is so cute.

Hope everyone got some good sleep!
Peter Andrew 11/23/04

Offline zayandme

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« Reply #569 on: August 29, 2005, 03:10:58 am »
Just wanted to call attention to my Little precious one- now that you can all see what he looks like (thankfully DH helped me put it up, cause there was no way on earth I was figuring it out myself!)
Sarah,Mom of Isaiah, Textbook/Touchy
Jesus said, " Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27