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Offline caljaccol

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #630 on: September 02, 2005, 16:14:50 pm »
Hannah's mom, my 2 year old had what  sounds like a similar lump at about the same age.  I played the waiting game over the weekend and by monday it seemed to be getting smaller.  Not sure if it was coincidence or not but she also had a bit of a chest cold at the same time.   I would say watch it closely over the weekend and if it is still there Monday go in and get it checked.  If you notice it growing at all during this time, please go to the hospital ASAP.

Dd did not want to sleep last night.  Put her down at 7 and she slept for 3 hours.  Then she woke up and would not go back to sleep.  No matter how much I tried to comfort her in her bed she wasn't having it.  I finally pcked her up and she was happy as can be.  I am pretty sure that her ear is still bothering her and lying her down was just hurting.

My dd finally waved on Tuesday.  My neighbour loves babies and she was geting so jealous because dd would smile at her mom but not her, she would crawl to her daughter, but not her.  Well as we were leaving on Tuesday dd looks at her and gives her a wave. 

I am also a sahm.  I can't afford not to be.
Sahm to: dd 7, dd 5.5, ds 4.5, dd 3 years, dd 15 months

Offline MorganLeigh

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #631 on: September 02, 2005, 16:34:46 pm »
Also a SAHM. I lost my job when I was 5 months pregnant and just havent really cared to look hard for a new one. I always said if a job fell into my lap Id take it, but right now having Morgan in my lap is good enough. I guess Im really lucky because when Morgan is around the house playing she will come back to me several times and love on me..I saw awwww baby and she just grins and love. Very effectionate, I love it.
   I live in Georgia and we have lots of ecavuees here staying in shelters. This morning I took all of Morgan's old baby clothes, even some new and brought them to the shelters. Also my stage 1 and stage 2 jars of baby food along with some enfimil coupons. The lady at the shelter asked if i would like to come in and see the babies who would be receiving these items and I simply said no thank you, my heart couldnt take it. Id want to over each and every family there my home, then how would my DD ever sleep! Im just glad I was able to help in some small way. This dissaster is so tragic and I am also praying for everyones safety and wellfair.
   DD, will eat some things from a the gerber carrots and fruits and if its something off mommy's plate. But if I try to feed her something just for her she refuses and wants it on her tray so she can eat it she spends half the day in the tub or she just eats clean safe hot dogs, hahahaha!
   Just broke my heart but I made her appt with a cardioligist for an echocardiagram sched in October, she had one at 6 months and they are asking for another one. I dont know they gonna get her to sit still for 12 mins this time, they need at least 12 mins of video and sound. I have two months to get brave for her so she cant feel how scared I am!
   30 min nap this morning, didnt fight her, lets see how PM goes *cross fingers*


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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #632 on: September 02, 2005, 16:44:59 pm »
morgan's mom-we too are working off a 30 min nap this am...and at 11, we are going in for a Hib vaccine.  this afternoon no doubt holds much fun for us!!  i think that is great that you are close enough to be able to help the people affected by the hurricane. 
i wish i could do more than some lousy donation to the red cross.  who knows if those people will ever get it anyway.  it absolutely breaks my heart seeing all those people on tv, especially the babies whose moms are crying because they have no formula or water.  it really keeps me up at night thinking about it.  sort of like after the tsunami, i just couldn't sleep thinking about all those people hurting.  it really puts things in persepective for me...i guess a 30 min nap doesn't make for such a bad day after all.

Offline zayandme

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #633 on: September 02, 2005, 17:41:57 pm »
I think I know what the pg test will be anyway. I've got a raging case of PMS- got SO annoyed at the computer for something pretty minor, and all I want to eat is a nice plate of onion rings and a chocolate shake.
If those aren't results, I don't know what is!  :lol:
Sarah,Mom of Isaiah, Textbook/Touchy
Jesus said, " Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27

Offline cazao

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #634 on: September 02, 2005, 18:23:08 pm »
hi guys. just checking in. i`m a SAHM too...need to go back to work at some point, but can`t think about that yet...i love the SAH too much at the moment. Caroline good to see you. how`s the weaning going? we`re at about the same point as you. on 4 bf a day and i want her to be weaned by her 1st birthday...we`re going back to the UK this Xmas and if she`s weaned i get to leave her with my parents for a couple of days while me and DH go somewhere. so i`m feeling conflicted about stopping bf but that is a hell of an incentive. i also love the idea of someone else, like DH, putting her to bed...i reckon it`s probably time he got those special last cuddles that only i`ve had because of the bf before bed. anyway, i thought i`d wait until 10 months and then skip the mid-morning feed and go straight to lunch when she wakes from her nap. how`s it going for you? Hannah`s mom, how did you drop the 4th feed? do you give any milk at lunchtime? and i`m bf but got my cycle back a few months ago. i wouldn`t worry understanding is that there`s a huge variation. hope you get the answer you`re wanting zayandme....
Our beautiful baby girl is....

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #635 on: September 02, 2005, 18:52:03 pm »
I know I am heartsick over what is happening in the states... :cry:  Good on you for taking supplies in!

I'm basically a SAHM but I still work the odd day. (usually from 1/2hr. to a couple of hours) I mentioned this way back but I am a voice actor so I get great flexibility and good pay for what I do. I actually went on an audition this am for a commercial and just took dd and dh with me. (I do commercials and cartoons and such) Very blessed. Used to do TV too but not since becoming pregnant. Don't know if I'll go back as that's a much larger commitment and I love being with dd.

I was one of those lucky women that got my period back right at the 6 week mark!!  :shock: I literally had two days of "nothing" then straight into my cycles. Blech. I was bf too...

Talk to you all soon,

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

Offline jillybeansmith

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #636 on: September 02, 2005, 19:16:01 pm »
Ange, like you, I'm the 'bread-winner', so It's been interesting on maternity...seems we've incurred quite a bit of debt, so I guess that gives me incentive to get back to work...but I'm not going to like it one bit...I want to be the one to take care of my little boy...

Offline pdb

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #637 on: September 03, 2005, 00:06:20 am »
On the carseat - I wanted the Britax but it's sooo expensive and it just has so much padding that it seems like my dd would roast in it here in the summer.  I know some of you are in the desert, but it's nothing like SC summers.  The humidity makes it feel like 20 degrees hotter than it actually is and it is very hot to begin with.  I found the Evenflo Titan 5.  It was rated a Consumer Reports best buy and rated safer than one of the Britax models by Consumer Reports.  It only costs $59.99 + shipping on  It fits nicely in my car and my dd seems comfortable in it so that's what we're sticking with for now.

I have also been so upset by the hurricane.  Brings back flashbacks of Hugo.  I usually don't watch the news because I am getting Susana fed, bathed and to bed, but I did watch last night and the thought of babies without food and water just haunted me.  It all seems so unjust too, since the majority of stranded people are there because of poverty.  The school where I teach collected water today for the Red Cross, but the Red Cross wouldn't take it because it wasn't on pallets.  Our school secretary mangaged to get in touch with someone at our National Guard office. They were deploying today so they sent some men by to pick up the water and were headed straight to LA.  Hopefully it will end up where it is needed.  We are also expected to get refugees here in SC.  My bil's cousin teaches in Charleston and they will be receiving some children at their school.  I just wish there was more we could do.

Well, dh's birthday is tomorrow so we're looking forward to celebrating and having a long weekend home with dd.    Hope everyone has a good night.

Offline jillybeansmith

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« Reply #638 on: September 03, 2005, 14:14:00 pm »
Terrible night again...up about 5 times..BUT, we have the bottle-dependence done with, he doesn't require middle of night bottles.  Now, all I have to do is get to him before he freaks, put my hand on the back of the head and rub his head, and he drifts off..a couple times I actually had to pick him up...I still think its the teething...Hopefully once it's done, now that he is weaned from the nighttime bottles, maybe he will settle.????

Offline hannah'smom

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #639 on: September 04, 2005, 23:43:32 pm »
GOOD NEWS  it turns out the lump Hannah has are caused by hormones she is getting from me. Also, went to the ER turns out she has thrush-won't eat, won't drink and is in some pain. WHAT A GOOD LONG WEEKEND. I hope everyone else is having a better time then us.

We'll I think I will go and have a glass of wine
Take care everyone

Offline Mum to Ella Rose

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #640 on: September 05, 2005, 01:42:08 am »
Well I don't want to jinx it and I don't want you all to throw eggs at me  :wink: but I don't know what is going on with dd!!! She has been napping 30-45 min in the am, an hour and a half in the pm then sleeping just over 12 hours at night.  :shock: What the heck??!! It's absolutely awesome and I'm trying so very hard to enjoy every second because I know it's only a matter of time before the next curveball comes. But thank you Tracy!  :lol:  :lol:

Sorry to hear about the thrush! Poor wee thing... I hope you all recover soon.

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

Offline dixiedutch

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #641 on: September 05, 2005, 02:27:02 am »
It has been a full weekend...we had a big cookout with my husband's students yesterday. Lana scooted all around our back deck and delighted in pulling herself up on everyone's chair to say hello...

Sharon: Yahoo!  :lol:  on the sleep! Spend some time with your dh or doing something just for you!

Jen/Cazao: Thanks for weaning advice...Cazao, I think I'd go for the vacation, just think of all the places you could go! I think I'll try pumping the mid-day feed into a sippy cup, too as we near 10 months. That is a great idea. The 4:00 feed will be harder to drop as Lana wakes grumpy from that nap and really relishes her cuddle time.

Phoebe: Yikes! You really have a fast metabolism! Do you run or something? I used to be a runner, but found I could not sustain my milk supply and run, too. Still, I have no where near as low a BMI as you. What do you teach?

BTW, we do sign....Lana signs, "dog"....for our far that is the only one that is really clear. We are taking a class in late September on signing, so I am hoping to get some more hints.

Lindsey: I am a full-time SAHM, too. My husband works long hours, so most of the time it is just me. (PS...can I borrow your stick when you are done beating off your 10lbs?  :) )

Kathy: Are you a diva or what...working at the Chanel counter? What a great part-time job!

Jill: I am with you on the empathy being much deeper after having a child.

Ange: So relieved to hear the lumps are okay. I have not gotten my cycles back either...not even any makes our nights much less stressful, too!

Zay's Mom...any news yet?

Have a great labor day!

Caroline & Lana

Offline Jadynsmom

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #642 on: September 05, 2005, 03:29:22 am »
Sharon - Yeah!! Good for you, Ella. :D   I won't even want to throw any eggs on you, Sharon. :lol:

Carolina - I know!! I love my job!!  I get to play in makeup, get paid more than most men and get free stuff for me.  You can't imagine what women will pay to have eternal youth & have pretty makeup & perfume. :D   Me, personally, could never afford to buy this stuff.  I spend all of my money on my babies.

Ange - I'm so glad to hear the lumps are ok.  Sorry about the thrush.  Just curious since I've never had thrush:  How do you get thrush?

Phoebe - Hope your dh has an incredible birthday tomorrow!!

We are spending tomorrow (holiday) clearing out all our baby clothes & toys and dh and my clothes to take to the Feed the Children which is based out of here in Nashville.  I was reading in the Lounge forum that they need a lot of babycarriers, diapers, blankets, clothes, etc, and I've been soooo heartsick over what's been happening that I can't wait to go & donate these items for the poor babies. :cry:  I think of how fortunate we are, having a home, clothes (more than we need), and toys.  I was reading that they needed babycarries since they can't set the babies down. :cry:   And here I have not one but 5 carriers.  I'm donating all but two.  I also hoard diapers like I'm gonna run out!!  I have probably 8-10 pkgs of mega diapers :shock:  I'll be donating them as well.  I can't imagine my baby not having diapers & food.  I've been crying so much lately that I just can't watch any more tv or read any more.

Hope everyone has a great Labor day weekend.


Offline pdb

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #643 on: September 05, 2005, 13:58:35 pm »
jillybeansmith-Congrats on getting Connor weaned from his nighttime bottle.

Ange-Sorry to hear about the thrush.  Glad the lumps were nothing serious.

Sharon - Lucky you. :D

Caroline - No I don't run.  I used to be addicted to working out, but was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and had to give all that up.  I walk and do yoga, although I don't get to the gym these days for yoga and it's so darn hot hear I haven't been doing much walking either.  I teach second grade.

Kathy - That's so great of you.  I need to find out what else I can do here to help.  My mil is volunteering to go work for the Red Cross down there for a few weeks.  Wish I could do something like that but with Susana and work, don't think that's possible right now.

Well we're headed to the doctor as soon as Suana wakes up from nap.  Last night was awful.  She woke up at 10:00, 11:00, and then was up for 2 hours at 1:00.  I thought that with all that waking she might at least sleep in a little, but she was up for the day at 6:00!  At 10:00 and 11:00 she went right back to sleep when I held her.  At 1:00 I made the mistake of bringing her in our room which I think just woke her up. She's used to coming in there in the morning to play.  She's sounded really congested lately so I want to check and make sure she doesn't have another ear infection.   She also made a really weird breathing noise the other day when I laid her down.  It scared me to death because I thought she was choking or something.  She was still breathing so I called the doctor and they said if she was still doing it in 5 min. to call back, but she went right back to playing and seemed fine.  :? She's napping really well now.  I think I'm going to have to wake her to get her to the doctor. 

Hope everyone has a nice holiday today.

Offline MorganLeigh

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #644 on: September 05, 2005, 19:38:19 pm »
Happy Labor day to me! DH took DD to MIL's and Im all alone for the day. its well needed. She has been so hard to sleep lately, I feel all day long Im putting her to bed. Im lovin this me time!
Have fun ladies!