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Offline cata

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« Reply #705 on: September 14, 2005, 00:13:05 am »
What is a vegetable cube? is it pureed veggies?

Offline jillybeansmith

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« Reply #706 on: September 14, 2005, 11:09:10 am »
So, the schedule that I posted was followed to a T yesterday...but I couldn't get him to go to sleep!!!!!!!!  He fell asleep several times, but would wake up looking for me (within 30 seconds...he was literally fighting sleep, you would see him drift off, then his legs would start kicking and he'd get all wiggly, then he would wake up screaming until he saw me!!!!  Finally, I got him to sleep at 10:45!!!...the good thing is he slept through until 6:30, but that means he didn't get all of his sleep.
It could be teeth, he's been working on #8 for 3's just under the surface of the gums, you can see the little purply-white line where it will come up, but it's been like that for the better part of a week.

Good luck to our East-Coasters with Ophelia coming in....!!!!

Offline jillybeansmith

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« Reply #707 on: September 14, 2005, 11:13:53 am »
pheobe...No the message didn't come through..

The one good thing is that Connor's sitter has a wonderful reputation...everybody has heard of her and has heard good things about her.  Our neighbour and my friend from childhood sends her 3 little girls there, and they love it, and my friend is an ECE, so she knows what to look for in childcare. 

The sitter has her mother come over and work as well if there are babies, so that there is more one-on-one attention.  Her mom worked with developmentally handicapped kids all of her life and is retired, so she will have lots of patience.  Connor and I go to meet the mother today..

Offline hannah'smom

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« Reply #708 on: September 14, 2005, 14:53:38 pm »
Jilly-It sound like we are going back to work about the same time. I start again on Nov.7. I go back for a week and than I get my holiday's from this past year so I am off until Dec. 15. I have day care lined up but I haven't really sat down and thought about going back until I read your post.  I told DH that I don't want to go back and cried but he and I discussed it and really I don't have a choice if we wish to maintain a certain standard of living.  I sounds like you have found an amazing sitter. That must make you feel a little better

Catalina- Our schedule looks like this:

5:30 BF and back to bed
7-up to play
8-BF-waffle and fruit
9-9:30 nap
12:30 play
2-2:30 nap
4-bottle 8 oz and snack
5:30 dinner
7 walk and bath
7:30-8 BF to bed
 Looks like I need to change her schedule. I believe at 9 months bottle comes after food and it looks like a lot of people have already changed that in there schedule and it looks like most went from 4 feds to 3.
Maybe we need to do some more reading

DD used to sleep until 5:30-6 but for the last few weeks we have also had some serious sleep issues. I usually take her into the guest room at 4ish so DH can get some sleep.  I think that this might be becoming a habit
Lindsey-congratulations on the up coming move. Life is always easier when you have more help around and support.
Momtoree-glad to hear your LO is crawling. Hopefully Hannah will start too. She is starting to rock more and reach further..What was the progression like before she actually started crawling
Sarah-I agree with you, Someone up above has a master plan for each of us.

There is so much going on this thread its hard to keep up. Hannah still has thrush. TOok her to a clinic this weekend and the DR. said it was nothing went to the family Dr yesterday and he said it was getting worse and it was thrush....makes me think you always need to look for a second opinion.  She is almost 18 lbs. She seems so small for her age only 27 inches.

Well should go and clean a little before she wakes up


Offline Pete's Mom

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« Reply #709 on: September 14, 2005, 15:46:26 pm »
Morgan Leigh - Pete's night light just burnt out this last week as well.  So far he doesn't seem troubled when he has woken up, in fact I think he may put himself to sleep easier without it, so we are just going to see how it goes without it.

Our schedule goes something like this:

6 - 6:30 wake up and bf
7:30 solids (mainly just cheerios and a veggie or fruit cube)
9:00 am nap (lately it has only been for 40 minutes)
10:30 bf
11:30 lunch - 1/2 cup yogurt with 2 furit cubes thrown in
12:30 - 1:00 nap (usually 1 1/2 hours)
2:30 - 3:00 bf
5:00 supper - 5 tblsp of cereal, tofu or whatever other protien we may be having, 2-3 veggie cubes.
7-7:30 bf and bed

Jill - do you think there is anyway to get Connor down before 3 for a nap in the afternoon?  I was just thinking maybe with his longest strech of awake time being between 10:00 and 3:00 he is just taking the edge of his tiredness with the 3:00 nap and catnap but still remaining overtired by the time bedtime rolls around.  Pete's 5 hour strech of awake time is from 2:30 - 7:30 and that has him pretty wiped out, so that why I was thinking that.  I know Connor is not crawling yet so maybe he is just not able to tire himself out before 3:00, although you would think his  "bunny aerobics" would do the trick :lol:.  Also, I have no idea how feasible this is, but what about gradually weaning him from rocking to sleep, kind of like you would do with a soother?  Maybe every night you could rock him a little less after he has fallen asleep, until the point that you start putting him in the crib just before he falls asleep, and finish up with just stroking his forehead or rubbing his back till he goes to sleep.  Then hopefully if he stays calm with those things you could eliminate the rocking and then start to eliminate the back rubs - but at least have a way to soothe him in his crib. kwim?
Peter Andrew 11/23/04


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« Reply #710 on: September 14, 2005, 18:19:07 pm »
ange-gianna is small too.  she was 17 lbs 10 oz and 27.5 inches a couple of weeks ago.  i was so sure she was at least 20 lbs!

jill-i agree with jen about the late nap maybe interupting connor's sleep.  it seems that for us anyway, if gianna sleeps much past 3:15 or so, we have a lot more night wakings than if i wake her earlier.  it seems cruel to wake them, but at this age, i think it really helps them sleep better if they get a loooooong awake time right before bed.  also, i would definitely try to wean from the cat nap.  we have just fully weaned off it and the night sleep is so much better.  the first couple of days without it were hard, but to combat this, i invited compnay over for dinner on those nights so that gianna was too excited/distracted to remember she was tired.   now we can easily go 4 or 4.5 hours from last nap to bedtime.  it's worth a try.


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« Reply #711 on: September 14, 2005, 18:21:53 pm »
Jill - sorry to hear about the sleep disruptions.  I know what you mean about returning to work.  I was so undecided back in July and still is...but I've told my manager that I will start Oct. 1.  I really hate to go back on my word but dd has been quite difficult lately that I'm afraid for my mom.  A big part of me wants to stay home to deal with this phase (whatever it is   :roll:  :?  :shock: ) but dh and some friends think that I should learn to let go.  Besides, I'm hoping to convince my manager to let me do the job-sharing program after a few months back.  I think that it is easier heading back to work when you know that your lo is in capable and loving hands.

Ange - sorry to hear about he thrush.  DD had it once and it was not very pleasant.  Just make sure that Hannah is on her meds for at least two weeks to really get rid of it.  We were told to put dd (7 weeks) on the med for a week only and it came back a week later.  The second time, we had her on it for 2.5 weeks and it hasn't come back since. 

We took the night light away at 5 mos.  DD didn't seem to noticed.  Now the only light in her room is the tiny green light from the monitor.  I found that dd tend to fall asleep faster if it is very dark.

Well, today is day one of transitioning to one nap.  I don't know if it is right or wrong but I'm soooo tired of fighting with dd for the naps.  Today she went down very easily after 5 hrs of being awake.  I watched her like a hawk and she didn't show any sleepy signs till 11 am.   I hope that this is a good sign.

Offline jillybeansmith

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« Reply #712 on: September 14, 2005, 18:22:36 pm »
Connor's been a bear today...but guess what? mom was sitting him today for an hour, and she discovered a 2nd tooth...Tooth number 8 AND 9 are being worked on.

I talked to the pharmacist about the appropriate dosage for motrin.  The infants motrin only shows dosage for up to 23 lbs.  I wondered if it's wearing off too quick...He said not to go the the childrens motrin, stick with infants, even though he is heavy.  BUT, he said not to be afraid to give it to him more frequently, it won't hurt him. Allows 4 doses in a 24 hour span.  I was only giving it to him at bedtime..

He also mentioned the infant's motrin is the best for teething (over tylenol & advil...)

I go back to work November 7 as well...and I also told my hubby that I would like to work from home, do computer consulting, but it wouldn't make nearly what I make at my real job..My income is 'breadwinner' income, so it's not as disposable if we were used to less to begin with..

Offline cata

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« Reply #713 on: September 14, 2005, 19:50:42 pm »
I address you because we both have a hard time with sleep time....
Today I went cold turkey on the pacifier....I'm just trying every possibility as to Sebastian's sleeping disruptions.
First nap was perfect. Didn't cry at all and slept for 2 hours!  :D
Second nap was a nightmare. He cried for over 1 hr, with me doing pu/pd, and standing by the crib, while he went all the way from being layed, to standing up....and again and again. Finally he fell asleep (out of exhaustion??), and is still.
Will update about the night time...which I'm dreading! :cry:

Offline pdb

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« Reply #714 on: September 15, 2005, 01:06:57 am »
Sleep hasn't been so great here either.  I'm pretty sure it's because of teething.  DD is drooling all over the place and today I discovered not one, but two new teeth.  That's #5 & 6.  She was at mom's again today and only took two 30 min. naps and a 45 min. one.  Then tonight I put her down at 6:30 (which is her usual bedtime) and she didn't go to sleep until almost 8:00!!!  I just hope she sleeps through the rest of the night.

jilly-It sounds like you have a great sitter.  That will make all the difference for you. 

It sounds like Connor really has a hard time with teething.  My bil's cousin has a little one who was just like that.  Things got better once all the teeth were finally in.  Maybe giving him Motrin more often will help.

Catalina - Yes a veggie cube is just pureed veggies.  I make all of dd's food and freeze it in ice cube trays.

Offline Noelle

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #715 on: September 15, 2005, 01:57:49 am »
Hello,hello, hello! Everyone!

Here is zoe's schedule (at the moment  :wink: )

6:30-7:00 - Wake-up - Bottle (usually 4-6oz)
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 (Nap until 9:45)
11:00 Lunch with milk in a sippy
12:00-3:00 or 3:30 - Nap
Bottle after nap, usually 6-8 oz.
5:30 Supper
6:30 Bottle - 8+ounces
7:00 Bed!

She has started somewhat crawling today!  More of a lunge, but she sure is close!! And she has sat up on her own a few times now - yay!!!  I don't know if you guys remember, but she was never really big on her solids.  For the last 3-4 days I have fed all her meals in finger foods.  No cereal or purees at all...she only takes a couple of spoonfuls for me.  I'm not going to buy any more baby food, it just goes to waste.  This is what we feed her so far.

Can you guys post what you guys feed for finger foods...I could use some ideas and hopefully I can provide some for you  :D

Scrambled eggs (we do use the whites)
Wheat Bread
Cottage Cheese
Regular Cheese
Beans (green and brown)

That's all I can think of right now...

Thank gals!!!

And hey Sharon...welcome to Moderating  :D
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

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« Reply #716 on: September 15, 2005, 03:31:52 am »
Thanks Noelle!  :D  I figured I spend enough time here... :lol: You're finger foods are awesome! The only things I can think to add are bits of chicken, I make macaroni and cheese and puree it but then roll it into little balls and I made a broccoli and cauliflower puree with cheese sauce that I mix with macaroni and she eats that...basically trying to find creative ways to use up the purees that are already in the freezer.

We're actually trying a new schedule (yet again) as far as feeding goes...though I don't know it's the right thing to do...dd drinks great from a cup if it's water but milk...forget it! She's taking little fake sips now just to get us to cheer her on! We'd like to try to skip the sippy altogether as she drinks so well from a cup now but...we'll try it for awhile and see. So anyways here's what we're doing these days. Oh and we also tried one nap and it was no go! She took an almost 3 hour nap when we did it but she was tooooo crabby with the long awake times.

7:30 wake

8:00 breakfast and milk in a cup (maybe an ounce) followed by the bottle usually 6oz.

10-ish nap for 45-1 hour

12 lunch and milk in a cup followed by a bottle 5 or 6oz.

2-ish nap for 1 hour

5 supper with milk in a cup and 5 0r 6oz. bottle

7 bath and 6-7oz bottle

7:30 bed

As you can see we're trying to get her to like her milk in a cup and also move the solids and formula closer together. It's taken us back to 4 bottles a day but...the idea is she'll eventually just take her milk with meals. I'm not sure we should be doing it this way or if we should keep giving water with meals and make the previous milk feed eventual snacks. Does that make sense? Oh and we also give a snack sometimes before the am nap and after the pm nap if she seems to need it but with the new routine we're not doing it so much yet to make sure she still takes enough formula.

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

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Offline Jadynsmom

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« Reply #717 on: September 15, 2005, 03:42:47 am »
Hi guys,

I feel like I've been gone forever!!! Well, dd1 is back home as of yesterday but still has a catheder in her arm in which we administer medine 6am, 12pm, 6pm and 12am (this one is the hardest).  She has missed school for almost 2wks!! To top it off we are going to visit our dear friends who are older (in their 70's) and he has emphysema and we're afraid he will die soon. :cry:  We are leaving tomorrow and coming back home Tues.

I caught up reading and there's so much going on!!  It seems teeth are popping up everywhere!! I think Jadyn might be trying to break the eye teeth on right & left upper.  She cried today when I put her down and kept on standing up & putting her arms out for an hour!!  I didn't know what to do since this is very unusual.  I ended up cheating and gave her the boob. :oops:  So of course she only slept for 45mins for both naps.

As for food & milk I wonder, do I need to nurse AFTER giving solids?? I'm confused.  Since she's still 8mos, do I change the order after 9mos???  Anyone still bfing first and when do I officially change the order of solids and milk?

Jadyn has been eating a lot of solids lately.  For breakfast she eats 3 slices of peaches, 1/4cup of oatmeal; lunch, avacado and a yogurt and cheerios, and for dinner, she just pigs out and eats 3cubes of pasta with tomato sauce, 1 cube of soft cheese, 1cube of veggie and usually 1/2 of banana.  She loves pasta with tomoato sauce and gets so mad if I don't feed her fast enough.  Only thing is she doesn't chew, just swallows it whole! :roll:  I try to imitate chewing but she just laughs at me.  So cute.

Hope everyone has great sleep and easy teething.


Offline jillybeansmith

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« Reply #718 on: September 15, 2005, 11:11:53 am »
I'm jealous about you ladies getting away with the finger foods.  The only ones that Connor can tolerate are baby mum-mum biscuits and farley's biscuits...Tried banana - he puked, Tried little bits of cheese - he puked 4 times!!!...Mashed potatoes - hurl...pieces of watermelon - hurl...Cheerios - puke, puke and puke!!! pastina - bad news...puked....tiny pieces of chicken - spit them out!....

Connor is happy with his oatmeal, and heintz baby foods (peas, grean beans, corn, etc, etc, etc...(but none of the ones for his age with the bits of rice or vegetables...), mum-mums and farleys are his only 'finger foods'...

I'll keep trying some of the other items on the lists you guys posted...surely something won't make him toss his cookies...

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« Reply #719 on: September 15, 2005, 13:24:40 pm »
Well Morgan has been standing on her for quite some time now, she will us ethe couch or my leg and then let go. She gets SO excited because we all clap. Well this morning she was playing then just decided to stand up woth doll in her with no help, all by herself! Its such an amazing thing to see, watching her in amazement when she learns new things. She is in that phase where she hands me EVERYTHING! lol Oh and she tries to feed me now, so sweet!
Now if I can just get the booger to sleep through the night again!