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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #300 on: July 24, 2005, 00:37:49 am »
Welcome pdb!  How many bottles are you giving?  What is your schedule like? 

Sharon - congrats on Ella Rose standing!  Guess you have to lower the crib now.  Isn't it bittersweet?  You want them to accomplish all these milestones but.... you know that their sleep ( and yours) will be disrupted b/c of them.   :roll:  :wink:  :lol:

Lindsey - when we moved to 2 naps, I had to give dd an earlier bedtime (30-45 min early) for a few days until she can last the 3.5 - 4 hrs before bedtime.  I understand about the df.  When dd skipped a bottle, i would try to df her but she would just bat it away while asleep.  I think that when they get older, they are more aware then we give them credit for.  Scary thought as dd is quite determined and stubborn.  Can't wait till she's a teen... NOT!!!!!

Alli - congrats on the signing.  I've been wanting to do it but ....   OK, I'm just to lazy!   :wink:

Well, dd cried and refuse to feed at my mom's.  I was so sad to see her cried when I went back to get her.  She just clinged to me and would not let go.  DH tried to put her in the carseat but she would just cried until I rubbed her head.  I know that it's going to be very hard but I have to do thing again.   :cry:

Offline Jadynsmom

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #301 on: July 24, 2005, 04:20:05 am »
Welcome aboard Pdb!! It's never too late to join us :D My lo also has 26th of Dec as her birthday.  I can't help much on the eating more since she's doing the same thing. :?

Lindsey - I saw this question on another board, I believe it was Getting Back on Track, about traveling & doing EASY.
 I don't know what to tell you as far as whether to go or not.  I hope YOU are comforable with the decision and I wouldn't worry about what they say.  You have to come home & live with your lo, not them.
For her last nap, if she is taking the last nap & is awake by or after 3pm, I would try to keep her awake til 7pm.  Maybe take her outside and walk around if she gets really sleepy.

Jenn - Good luck on your job on Monday. Sorry to hear Jake's getting worse on his separation anxiety!!  I'm really having a hard time thinking about dropping the 11am feeding.  I've had such an easy time bf from the beginning.  I know I'm one of the fortunate ones that I can bf and not have such diffculties :) It would be nice to go from 7am feeding to 3pm and have the time in between, but it would mean she would only be getting 3 bf a day! :cry: I know I"m going to be dropping the df within the next month and I'm dreading that.  So how do I go from 5 bfs to 3 bfs without it backfiring and her waking up all night long?

Sharon - YAY :D  :D  Standing up!!  Matthew's Mommy told me that the next 'difficulties' will come when our lo's starts to pull up & stand in their cribs.  So I guess yours has officially started :lol:  Do you actually see her teeth on top or is it bumps?   Also, when you dropped the 11am bottle, were you doing the df as well?  How many bottles were you giving?

Jillybeansmith - Don't feel bad about bringing her in to your bed when she wakes crying.  I do the same thing.  Heck, I'm starting to just put her in it to begin with since she seems to LOVE our bed for all her sleeps! :P   She sleeps longer & doesn't wake at 45mins when she's on our bed.  I think it's the mattress.  You're so tired when they wake at night, the last thing you feel like doing is patting or shhing or p/u p/d.  You just want to do whatever's fastest to get them to sleep. :oops:

Cazao - I'm having the 45mins naps once in a while, too.  I can usually extend them by putting her in my sling, which btw she is WAY too big for.  I then lay her on my bed still in the sling and she sleeps usually another hour in it!  The times she wakes after 45mins, if she's happy, I just wake her & go on with it. 
Thanks for asking about her drinking more.  I think she is taking a little bit more.  I've dropped her breakfast & lunch solids.  Just giving her dinner of solids.  Also, I have to stand up &  move around while singing  :oops: to get her to nurse at night time :roll:  :? Sigh... The things we do for the love of our babies...


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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #302 on: July 24, 2005, 13:21:52 pm »
I am giving my lo a bottle at 7, 11, 3, and 7.  She gets solids at 8:00ish and 6:00.  She seems to be eating a little better.  What was really worring me was days when she was only taking 17-18oz.  She was sleeping through but on days like that she would wake and then I would of course feed her because I didn't think she took enough during the day.  I was afraid we'd never sleep through the night again, but the last couple of nights she has, so maybe it was a phase.

I am having nap difficulties too.  From 5 to 6 months, she never napped more than 45 minutes, but she was teething, got an ear infection, and having digestive problems all at the same time.  Then at 6 months when she was over all that, I had resolved to do PU/PD at naptime and then she just started napping 11/2 hrs twice a day on her own.  After a few days she went back to 45 min nap in pm, so I tried PU/PD.  After a couple of days she was back on track.(although I'm not convinced the PU/PD had anything to do with it)  I took her to the sitters last Tues. in the pm and she had a bad nap.  She hasn't napped longer than 45 min. in the afternoon since.  I have tried PU/PD everyday but she quiets as soon as I enter the room and gets on her hands and knees and seems to be attempting to climb out of the crib.  I've tried just getting her up, but she gets tired before dinner time.  Yesterday, after an hour and a half of PU/PD she finally calmed but stayed in her crib wide awake until her next feeding.  I got her up and then let her take another short nap.  I am thinking we may just have to go to two 30-45 minute naps in the afternoon for awhile. 

Sorry this is so long!

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #303 on: July 24, 2005, 21:17:42 pm »
Well I have finally got Peter waking up at around 6:30 instead of 5:30.  I tried making his bedtime later but that didn't work so then I decided to just make it a little earlier and that seems to do the trick.  So he is now going to bed at 6:45 - 7:00.  Thankfully my dh gets home early in the afternoon so that he can still spend some time with Peter.

Alli - That is so great about the signing and crawling.  We sign to Peter as well but I have not been so good about remembering to do it all the time.

Sharon - Congrats on the pulling up.  I was just mentioning to dh that we should lower our crib in the next day or so...

Our most of you offering your lo's 3 solid meals a day?  I am not sure if I should offer Pete lunch or not... His two solid meals are a fair size (5 tbsp of cereal and 2-3 cubes of veg or fruit), but I just can't tell if he is ready for anymore.  I'm wondering if I should just give him smaller portions at his other meals and add lunch... I'm still bf and don't really want him to drop any feeds yet as the material I have read seems to suggest that until at least 9 months food should only supplement and not replace milk.  I think I finding the whole feeding thing more baffling than anything else.
Peter Andrew 11/23/04

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #304 on: July 24, 2005, 23:05:51 pm »
Jen-I have only been feeding Susana two meals a day, but I think I'm going to start a third this week.  She only eats 1 or 2 tablespoons at a meal though.  Sounds like you have a good eater!

Good news here.  After 5 days of 30-45 min. afternoon naps, my lo slept 1 hr and 45 min this afternoon.  Yeah!  Now I'm just waiting for her to wake up after going to bed for the evening.  She didn't take a catnap this afternoon because she slept so well.  I've found on days when we cut out the catnap, she wakes up 45 min to an hour after putting her down for the night.  I guess her body thinks she's going down for a catnap still.

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #305 on: July 25, 2005, 02:39:03 am »
I am really impressed with the signing.  That is so great.  We are doing it too, but she doesn't respond.

We have really good news.  I got put back on the meds to help my milk supply so there is enough milk for her.  I think that she must be going through a growth sprut too because she is also eating lots of solids.  Tonight she ate two jars for dinner and that was after eating 1 and 1/2 jars for lunch!  I also gave her a gerber wagon wheel for dinner and she put the whole thing in her mouth!  She wouldn't bite it so I guess those will go back up for awhile. 

With all these lo pulling up it makes me think that I need to lower my crib.  Has everyone else lowered there's yet?  I don't think that mine is close but you never know.  Mine still isn't even close to crawling.  We are working on it by putting some puffs on the floor and her trying to "push" forward to get them.

Hope everyone has a great night!  I'm still praying for dd to make it all night.
Ree November 2004

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #306 on: July 25, 2005, 02:52:46 am »
It really makes me wonder if all this erratic napping and early wake times isn't just par for the course with babes our ages. Otherwise would we all be experiencing the same thing? I think we just have to keep some sembalence of a routine and roll with the rest!  :D  Dd seems to be falling into a new pattern (excluding the teething, etc) where she sleeps 11 1/2 overnight and 1hr 15 for both day time naps. I can live with that!

Kathy, I didn't realize for some reason you were still giving the df. I wouldn't worry at all yet about the 11 feed. I think you'll probably find things get back on track milk intake wise once you do that. We didn't drop the 11 am until about a month or so after the df.

And dd does eat three meals a day but lunch (until dropping the 11 feed) was smaller than the others.

We dropped our crib mattress awhile back just in case.

Lindsey, do you have to commit to the trip now? Could you give it some more time and see how things go?

Oh and welcome Pdb! Always room!  :D

Jenn GOOD LUCK at work tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mimi so sorry to hear it was hard with your lo!!! Hopefully it will get better soon...

Must run, hope I haven't missed anyone's questions, new, etc. Still have company so I'm doing this as quick as possible!!  :lol: Oh, though I must say again I agree with Kathy's advice about extending the evening awake times...

Hope you've all had a great weekend.
~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #307 on: July 25, 2005, 02:55:00 am »
Oh and when this version of the thread was started dd was 5 months old. Where on earth has the time gone already!!!  :shock:  :D
~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #308 on: July 25, 2005, 04:09:58 am »
Hi!  What a neat thread!  My little one is almost 8 mos, and I would love to peek in on your chatter, if that's okay.  It is so fun hearing from other moms with kiddos the same age.  I also got a shock a few weeks ago when I walked in the nursery to get Nathan after a nap and found him standing.   :shock:   Now pulling himself up is his favorite thing to do (instead of sleeping).  He is doing the army crawl on his belly - hasn't quite mastered the belly-off-the floor-thing.  He still has 5 bottles - 7, 11, 3, 7, 10, but we are now dropping the dream feed.  Wish us luck!  Hope to get to know you all better!   :D

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #309 on: July 25, 2005, 13:32:35 pm »
I have lowered my crib.  I was in the nursery putting away clothes with my lo in the crib.  I turned around to hang something up and when I turned back, she was standing.  She hasn't done it since, but we lowered the mattress to be safe.  She just started crawling two days ago, so we're really in for it now!

About the signing, does anyone have a good book to recommend on that?  I really want to start doing that.  My lo is very easily frustrated and I think it would help.


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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #310 on: July 25, 2005, 13:59:37 pm »
Sounds like everybody's little ones are standing and crawling!!!...My big guy isn't yet...he loves to stand and bounce if you are holding onto him under his arms, but other than that, he doesn't..

Could it be that he is too heavy for himself to support just yet???  I know he is a pork-chop.

My husband was really fat as a baby and didn't walk or crawl for a very long time, but he was much bigger than Connor...luckily I was a small baby, dh was huge, Connor seems to be in between (although that is still huge...he's between 23 and 24 lbs at 8 months)...Luckily once my husband got moving as a baby, he slimmed up...

My gosh, my arms and back are tired by the end of a day!!!

Had the baptism yesterday, he was as good as gold...and it was so hot in the church, and he was so tired, when we got back home, he slept most of the afternoon, he was worn out....

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« Reply #311 on: July 25, 2005, 14:53:24 pm »
Welcome Sheila!  :D Good luck with the df. I hope it goes well.

Good to hear the baptism went well! I wouldn't worry about Connor not crawling or pulling up yet. Dd, like Phoebe, dd has only done it once and she's not really crawling yet either. Just pushes backwards and still gets really frustrated with the whole business. THough she has started to get her bum up off the floor a few times...

Gotta run!

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

Offline Jadynsmom

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #312 on: July 25, 2005, 16:33:17 pm »
dbl post :oops:

Offline Jadynsmom

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #313 on: July 25, 2005, 16:34:59 pm »
Welcome Sheila!! I think there's a common thread in our babies and they all happen together - standing & crawling, separation anxiety (much better now).  My is getting a lot of practicing crawling but no standing yet.

Phoebe - Yeah for your lo taking great naps!  I think I need to lower my crib just in case.  I would also love to find out what book to use for signing. 

Jillybeansmith - What a sweet boy Connor, being so good for his baptism!!  That's funny about him being a little pork chop.   :lol:

Sharon - Hope your guests being there is going well.  Has it been 3mos since this thread was started?  I can't believe we're talking about our lo's crawling & standing!! They were just babies yesterday, weren't they?  It seems like just a couple of weeks ago.....
So do you think I should just keep my feedings at 5 for now?  And then wait til another month to drop the df and then after that drop the 11am feed?

Jadyn slept in til 7:15 this morning.  She had been waking at odd times the last week.  I was soooo happy when I looked at my clock and it wasn't 3am or 5am when she let me know she was ready to get up!!!  Although she's doing something really weird for her first nap the last couple of days. I put her down after 2.5hrs, the same routine in her crib, and then she wakes after 30-35mins, just talking??!!!  So I go in and I try to lay her back down, and she just keeps on sitting up!! :?  Then I have to go & get my trusty ole sling & put her to sleep and lay her down on my bed after she's asleep.  I can't figure this out.  Am I not getting her long enough wake time?  Am I waiting too late? She usually yawns after 2hr wake,but I wait til 2.5 to put her down. Should I put her down after 2hrs rather than 2.5?  She's up there asleep and it's now her feeding time.  I hate to wake her up.  I might give her 30more mins.  Her afternoon naps are no problem & she sleeps a good 1.5 or 2hrs.  The 45mins wake are gone, I think.  Of course, now it's this new 30-35mins.  I think she just loves to throw me a curve ball! :wink: She's not crying or anything, except when I try to put her little head down on the crib.

Happy Monday to all.


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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #314 on: July 25, 2005, 17:56:46 pm »
Kathy-My Susana has done the same thing only after an hour instead of 30 min.  She went through that for about a week.  I just left her in her crib until she cried.  Sometimes she would stay in there awake and playing for 1/2 an hour.  If I went in and tried to put her back to sleep, she'd just get upset.   That was the problem I was having in the afternoon when she would wake early too.  In the afternoon, she would wake up crying so I'd go in to do PU/PD to try to extend her nap.  Only every time I'd go in she was smiling and on her hands and knees and would grab the side of her crib like she wanted out.  I'd leave and she'd start crying, come back in, same thing.  Basically this would last the whole nap time.  I think I've finally decided that if she does that, I'm just getting her up because I have yet to be able to extend a naptime anyway.  Then I just put her down a little earlier than usual for her next nap and maybe add a catnap in the late afternoon.  If you figure out a better solution PLEASE let me know.javascript:':)'

Is anyone having problems with whining?  My lo seems to do nothing but whine the past few days.  She might find somethng to entertain her for a few minutes, but then starts whining again.   I'm not sure if it's teething related or frustration because she's learning so many new things but doesn't quite have them mastered???  Anyone else have this problem?