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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #270 on: July 18, 2005, 00:44:55 am »
Branwen- am sitting waiting for SP to show up for full visit and Olivia seems desperate/ready to eat so not sure if i sghoudl wait for them any longer  :?  is confused my middle name??

the party was great - i will try for once and for all to force dh to upload pics tonight and will post party pics in photo gallery and separately put recent shots of olivia and alex here.

with the solids, the only thing i can say is perhaps that's another reason why it is easier starting at 6 months - if the awake time is still not at 2+ hours it will definitely feel like all you do is feed!  my suggestion FWIW -  i would not spend a half hour on it - she is BF and only starting on solids, not trying to have a full meal.  maybe say try for 15 min and whatever she takes is fine.  she is stil learning and adjusting to it, so if it is interfering with her next BF or sleep than it is not the priority at this stage.  when she starts staying awake more like 2 hours than you can have a break between BF and solids and still have some awake time after BF.  makes sense???   HTH
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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« Reply #271 on: July 18, 2005, 21:04:21 pm »
Hi everyone-

Posted new pics of Eirwen in the Photo gallery if you want to take a look!

I hope everyone is doing well.  :D

Our routine has all gone know!  We had a wedding and guests so it has been busy- everything is off.  But tomorrow everyone leaves and my entertaining will be over. Whew!

Deb- thanks for advice on solids.  I won't try for so long.  It's just she isn't giving me that "I'm done" signs so I thought I should keep going...then again if she was really into it she'd probably eat faster.  I suspect she's humoring me or just enjoying the textures.

Only new thing is that we are getting stuck on our side now!  I did some floor time with her today "showing" her how to roll back onto her back so maybe she won't get stuck tonight :wink:

Oh, I'm trying to recreate the catnap- so far so good :D
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

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« Reply #272 on: July 19, 2005, 15:44:23 pm »
Branwen- The pics of Eirwen are soooo cute!!!!! About solids. I offer Leah her cereal between feedings. Right now it is like this: (Our schedule is soooo off kilter too becuase of weddings also!!!!  :D We have another one this weekend, and it's family so Leah MUST come with - at least that's what the fam says....)

6 - Bottle
7-8 - Nap
9 - Bottle
10 -11 - Nap
11 - Cereal
12:30 - Bottle
12:20-2:30 - Nap
3:30 - Bottle
4:30-5 - Nap
6 - Cereal
7 - Bottle and Bed

As you can see, we are still stuck at 3 -3 1/2 hour feeds.  :?
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« Reply #273 on: July 20, 2005, 14:22:43 pm »
Hi Everyone,

Debinoz,  I think you should definatley go to that clinic.  You definately need help.  I'm so sorry your lo still isn't eating well.  Maybe they'll figure out something to solve the problem.  Also I would try to be quite open to their suggestions, you never know what might work!  Good Luck!

We're back from our first overnight trip.  And it was a big success.  It's a 3.5 hour drive to my Aunt's cottage and we left after her first feed in the morning.  She got a bit fussy after an hour of driving so I turned on a talk radio station and she drifted off to sleep :) On the way home I kept the radio on the whole time and she slept.  I timed it so we'd be home for her dreamfeed and she went right to sleep after.  I'm sooo glad I had the pack'n'play.  It was super convenient :)

Anyways, Emily is teething on and off still :( .  This morning there was a couple drops of blood on her crib sheet.  So I'm going to try and check if another tooth came thru.  I went to look this morning but she kind of made a little pain face when I felt around on her gums.  Also her naps have been completely off the last 3 days.  She sleeps for 45mins, does little aggravated coughy noises for 15 mins and then will start to cry and I do pu/pd for 20 mins and by then it's close to time for her next feed.  I keep second guessing myself.  I wonder if I'm going in too soon or going in too late, if I'm not holder her long enough, or if it's just tooth pain, or should I keep her up longer during activity time :? I'm trying to go with the flow :?

Also she has mild eczema (not sure if that's spelt right).  I've been putting some cortisone cream on the bad spots and putting on moisturizer.  I tried to get rid of it w/o the cream but it just got worse.  So I'm hoping once it clears up that just moisturizer will work.

Leaving on a positive note, she did her first real laugh yesterday :D .  Dd was doing some coochy coo and rubbing her tummy.  Super cute.


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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #274 on: July 20, 2005, 19:04:44 pm »
Tarri -
Glad to hear that your trip was a success! Those first trips are scary!  :shock: I hope Emily's teeth feel better - still no signs of teething from Leah.

About the excema - I tried all of the creams, ointments etc. and the one thing that worked best for us was plain old vaseline. No scents, just plain old petroluem jelly. The ointments and lotions just made it worse. Just thought I'd let you know what worked for us! Take Care!
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Offline Deb_in_oz

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #275 on: July 20, 2005, 22:58:47 pm »
Tarri - thanks for all your support. i am booked to go in on MOnday and will be gone until Fri afternoon.  I decided i would be open to anything except CIO and will undo anything i htink is not working. in the meantime i think we will use these 4 nights away to go through de-swaddling (let them deal with it if she wakes in the night b/c of hands  :lol: ) and getting to a 3.5 - 4 hr routine.  dd is definitely not hungry until later on now, but b/c she is not napping too long (45min - 1hr) she is eating towards the end of her EASY cycle more often than not...

glad the trip went well and i know what you mean about the laughter. i meant to post about it recently but Olivia is also laughing a lot and squealing now!!  she did this instead of napping for catnap yesterday which tore we in half b/c i wanted to smile and laugh but also knew (correctly) she needed the sleep (ended up not eating at last feed and needed to eat after she slept 45 min after bedtime)

QUESTION: is anyone else's lo "butt scooting" up their cot?  Olivia is wrapped and tucked in under a sheet and blanket and still we find her at the top of the cot!!! and then i have to try to resettle her... she is desperately trying to roll from back to front (can only go froim tummy so far) so i think that is what the real goal is.  not sure what to do.
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #276 on: July 20, 2005, 23:11:29 pm »
ooo.. Christine, i will have to try the vaseline on luke's face to see if that helps clear up his eczema!  the cortisone cream works, but i don't like using it too often cause it is a steroid... thanks for posting your solids schedule too; luke's starting to show a vague interest, and i just can't remember how i did it the first time!

Tarri - just a thought... i can't use lotion (or most baby products) on luke cause his skin seems to be allergic to the perfume in baby-scented stuff.  don't know if that applies, but the face skin is some of the tenderest...

Debra - good luck at the clinic.  that sounds like a fantastic program!  and to answer your question, mine does not butt-scoot up, but he does like to roll down the mountain.  his mattress is a bit more inclined than i like cause he's finishing up an ear infection, and he rolls down.  only seems to bother him if he starts coughing - which seems to be every night this week!  :roll:  sounds completely developmental.  if it's really bugging olivia, maybe give her lots of floor time to practice?
DD - Textbook
DS - Touchy/Grumpy

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #277 on: July 21, 2005, 13:01:32 pm »
Well, our naps and our night time sleep is going for a pooper. :x   I'm still not sure what's going on :? .  I think I'm going to try and not put her down for her first nap until at least 8:30 and try to work towards 8:45 to move from a 3.5hr to a 4hr EASY.

I'm having trouble with pu/pd.  What do you do once you put them down :?:   I'm confused because I thought I read somewhere that you should pat them gently but somewhere else it said to lay a hand on them with some pressure and talk gently to reassure.  So far I don't find the talking helps unless it's to get her out of a hard cry.  Hmmmm.

I hope today goes better :) .


Offline branwen

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« Reply #278 on: July 21, 2005, 18:48:05 pm »
Hi everyone!

Deb- YES on the butt scooting, but Eirwen does it down her crib or she scoots to the side and gets stuck against the bumper!  It is cute to watch her do it though...however annoying :wink:  Good luck at the clinic- you deserve the rest and a break!

Tarri- YAY on the pack n' play.  So glad it worked out for you!  More teeth, could that be the problem?  is the eczema bothering her- does she scratch?  On the PUPD you need to pick up again if she cries.  I have found that the hand patting pressure doesn't work for Eirwen now that she is older...just keep picking up and putting down until she settles or goes into the mantra cry.  I only do the talking to my dd when I pick her up and it is very soft.  Having the 6 month spurt yet?

The laughing is so fun!  I love it...although I can't get her to squeal all the time- but the plastic bag usually works- go figure!

Solids are going ok.  I still don't think she's too interested.  She likes to play with her bib.  Also- she starts sucking on her figures during eating time- I think this means she wants to nurse instead- so I offer the breast and she takes a full feed.  I like that I can read this from her but at the same time I fear she is rejecting the solids?  We tried pears yesterday- her face was sooooo funny!  I guess that is probably the first reaction I'd have too if I'd never tasted something sour and grainy before!  Breastmilk is so sweet!

Anyway, still at 3 to 3.5 hrs.  I think/fear we're stuck here.  And I'm so distraught over the whole 5:30 bedtime.  Should I change it?  My dh thinks its fine- but I just think it's a bit odd that my baby sleeps 5:30 to 6am now.  I never thought I'd be worried about too much sleep. :P
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

Offline Deb_in_oz

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #279 on: July 22, 2005, 09:30:10 am »
we are having such a strange week - everything is out the window and i am just counting down til monday when someone else can watch me in action with olivia.

i do not know how we got here but she has gone from having 45min - 2hr naps to having 45 min if i am lucky.  she is suddenly awake for up to 3 - 3 and a 1/2hrs befoe finally giving in and having a quick sleep.  she is squealing and laughing endlessly, sucking her fingers, butt scooting around the cot, STILL TOTALLY HAPPY  even with 3 x 45 min naps! just throwing me for a loop.  i feel like a failure but everyone keeps telling me i am not doing anything wrong - she is just "this way".  but how does a baby sleep great one day and not nap another day at 5 months old.  she is thankfully still sleeping through the night which is my one saving grace.

will be around this weekend and then offlilne from Mon - Fri.  if olivia settles down Dh and I are actually going out to dinner tonight for the first time in ... forever!! fingers crossed.  we picked a restaurant less than 10 min away at least, but i am exhausted already and doing this for Dh's sake more than anythign (and the good food of course!)
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Offline branwen

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #280 on: July 22, 2005, 11:45:30 am »
Eirwen is 6 months today! My sweet angel...getting so big so fast!
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

Offline Leah's Mom

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #281 on: July 22, 2005, 15:20:56 pm »
Ah Deb - Enjoy yourself tonight. We have a wedding tomorrow night and my mother is taking Leah overnight!  :D I totally trust MY mother and she undestands and accepts how I do things. She will do anything to please me! I know how you feel. For weeks Leah has not taken a good morning nap, 30 minutes maybe, then the other day she took a two hour morning nap. I was like YAAAA, then the next day it was 20 minutes. So erratic these spirited ones. We are succeeding on one thing: Going to sleep independently at night. I know give Leah her bottle, burp her on the way to the crib and lay her down totally awake. She kicks and cooes for 20 minutes. I go in when she starts to get upset and give the paci and she's down for the count!

Branwen - If the 5:30 bedtime works for you - GREAT! I know it would be hard for me, especially since it's summer here. The daylight lasts until 9:30 at night!
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Offline Deb_in_oz

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #282 on: July 22, 2005, 22:44:03 pm »
Christine - thanks - dinner was yummy and Dh's parents actually sent us out with a card (they are staying with us) and it had money top pay for dinner and told us not to worry....

we had our first real chance to chat (with no monitor in the background...) and it was great.  he is really supportive and knows to be patient - the therapy is really helping me a bit and he knows i make my stress worse for myself....  he is so positive and his optimism is catching.  his focus is on the fact that at least when we put her dowbn at night she goes to sleep and as he puts it (apart from DF for now) "we are off duty from 7:30pm until 7-7:30am" and she is "a happy and contented child" so half the battle is done!!   now if only she would eat &  nap according to the "books" :roll:
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #283 on: July 23, 2005, 02:21:19 am »
Ok, I don't know what is wrong, but I'm not getting emails that new posts have arrived, but it shows me as watching this topic.  I had actually just logged on to ask where everyone had been, and found 3 new pages of posts.  I feel so out of the loop, and I tried to catch up with everyone.  I figured everyone was either busy or not having much trouble lately.

Deb-Hope all goes well at the clinic.

Branwen-I wouldn't worry about the solids.  Breastmilk is the most important for her, and I would just take it slow.  I include solids as part of A time.  If I feed her say at 8, I wait until 9 for solids just to give her time to digest and make room for more food.  That's just my baby, though.

Christine-It's so funny how much our girls are alike.  Kelsey still does her 30 minute naps, but 2 days ago she slept 1 hr 15 mins, 45 mins, and 1 hour.  She was an angel all day!!!  The next day was back to normal.  However, she's been a lot happier these days even without little day sleep.  I've also been puttin her in her crib at night completely awake.  I lean over to pat her a say good night, she gets real excited and babbles and kicks, but I just go on and she rolls her head to the side and goes to sleep.  She's even done this for a couple of naps.

Kelsey is having rice cereal with applesauce in the mornings (we are trying bananas next), and rice cereal with applesauce and carrots at lunch.  She eats 1-2 T. for breakfast, but a bit more for lunch.  She doesn't take a dinner because she is too full from earlier in the day.  Our next veggie will probably be sweet potatoes.  Some days she hardly wants any at all, but I don't worry because I realize the formula is the main thing for now.  I'm going to introduce the sippy cup at 6 months or so, after her check up.

Well, ladies, glad to check in with you.  I'll try to keep up better from now on.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline Deb_in_oz

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« Reply #284 on: July 23, 2005, 10:00:15 am »
i have also stopped receiving alerts - i just check everyday anyway.

get this - today since it is the in laws last full day here my sister and i went out for the whole day to give them time with Dh and the girls.  Dh says he will take both girls to the park and then to lunch and just get back in time for Alex's nap (12:30/1pm).  this would involve at least 1 feed and nap for olivia.

wouldn't you know it - she was perfect for him the whole day (we did not return until 5:30pm or so!).  she drank 200ml (7 1/2 oz) on a park bench with kids everywhere (she won't even feed in our living room for me) and she slept for an hour in the pram.  later on at home her next nap time at 3pm she slept for 2 hours!!  he says it was all the fresh air but i just think it is him!  every single time he stays with the girls everything is out of a textbook!

on a positive note for me i had a hugely successful shopping day for the first time in years - i finally bought some non-t shirt clothes (bordering on groovy and dare i say "hip"  :lol: ) and even scored an exersaucer i wanted - i popped into Target before going to the baby store and T. had it for half the price of the baby shop  :D  it was so meant to be!!  I actually feel recharged and had the best day with my sister (we are not very close and this trip is our first time as adults spending a lot of time together)

hopefully i can stay in a positive mood until i get to the clinic on Monday.

hope everyone is doing well!!!
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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