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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #435 on: October 18, 2005, 16:05:09 pm »
Kate, Aaron is now eating about 6 oz of EBM in a sitting.  I put about 6.5-7oz in a bottle, and usually there's a little left, though he occasionally eats the entire thing.  I like having a little more in the bottle than he'll actually eat, since if he is hungry he gets REALLY mad if we have to go warm up another bottle to give him more, and usually ends up so frustrated that he doesn't eat it anyway. HTH

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #436 on: October 18, 2005, 18:59:07 pm »
Hi ladies :)

I see a lot of you have lo's that are rolling over--I wish mine would  :cry:  I mean, she has rolled over a couple times before, but not consistantly. She's since stopped and when on her tummy only does the "flying" thing by balancing on her tummy. She won't go after toys if I put them around her. It's soo frustrating to see. Is this really a problem?

She's almost sitting up unassisted; she tends to hold on to her baby gym to stay in a sitting position, and if she's away from things she can't reach with her hands on her back, she'll arch her back and scoot back to it to reach them.

I'm not sure how to encourage her to roll over more, any ideas? I'm thinking maybe she'll go straight to crawling, as she can support her arms really well, but she can't figure out how to make her legs and arms work together.

Yeah, I know I need to have a chat with my ped...she has an appointment in a few weeks. I'll bring it up then, but I was hoping for more ideas from everyone else :P

Sonya =P

Texbook/Angel LO
April 26, 2005

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #437 on: October 18, 2005, 21:46:56 pm »
Sonya, Aiden my 2yo only rolled twice before he could sit & then never rolled again until he was 7 or 8mo... he then crawled at 10.5mo & walked at 13.5mo... a little later than average, but he did other things early.
Seriously if she has done it once or twice she is fine & if she can sit, then she has teh capability, just not the drive to do it... all babies are different.

Theresa... thanks for that, he took about 150mls (5oz) the other day, but was hungry sooner than normal. that was the first time I didn't do a bf after & I expresssed almost 200mls so today I will offer the whole lot as that would be close to 7oz
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #438 on: October 19, 2005, 03:42:05 am »
Sonya -- Seriously, don't worry.  My SIL is a pediatrics PT and always assures me that kids develop at different rates.  They all do their own thing at their own rate.  I agree with Kate, since she's rolled, it's all good and it sounds like she's got the strength.  Cherish these times where you don't have to chase her and keep her from getting into everything!

Jake still has that dang cold.  Doc said that it is lingering on longer than the normal cold in most kids -- up to 2 weeks or even longer.  Great!  So far it hasn't affected nighttime sleep but napping isn't going that well.

Mom to Jacob 05/02/05 and Sophia 8/12/07

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #439 on: October 20, 2005, 15:14:39 pm »
Mine has not even the clue of what is rolling... has anyone started on solids? let me know your routine and quantity if you can please... I have stardet but not sure on how much...

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #440 on: October 20, 2005, 19:08:23 pm »
Send me a PM or post your e-mail address to me, I have a detailed eating plan if you want me to send it to you, it spells out all the quantities. Mine has been on solids for 2 and a half months now and thriving on it.
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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #441 on: October 20, 2005, 20:53:25 pm »
Don't worry about the solids too much at this stage... it really should only be treated as "an extra" until 7mo & many babies little tummies don't do well on solids early on. Current international health recommendations are actually not recommending solids before 6mo & to be honest they aren't needed I have 2 very big boys (both 9kg/20lb before 5mo) & Aiden did really well lasting to 6mo with out solids & Liam sleeps 10hours now on 5bf a day so if you can hold off as long as you can you are doing your lo a big favour in reducing the possibility of diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders etc... all of which have increased in countries which have a trend to introduce solids earlier compared to those countries where they aren't offered until even 1yo.
Sorry if I am undermining you notenoughshelfspace, just I used to work in immunology & allergy & done heaps of research on it & want to put forward the cons of early solid (before 6mo) introduction
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #442 on: October 21, 2005, 12:01:36 pm »
No problem, I know a lot of people feel that way. I was introduced to fruit and veg and two months and held off with mine until 17 weeks ( the earliest recommended date). She was also already sleeping through the night at that stage and had doubled her birth weight. Nobody in my family suffers from food allergies and the baby is thriving on the solids. To be fair if I was breastfeeding I would also hold off for longer but I was giving her formula ( my milk supply was really bad) I saw no reason to wait.
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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #443 on: October 21, 2005, 21:54:49 pm »
Notenoughshelfspace...interestingly in the UK they say earlier for ff, here in Australia it is recommended 6mo for all except those taking more than 1200ml of formula.
The interesting fact is that you would probably have been introduced to 'fresh food' & these days the trend is for commercially available food (jars & bottles) my friend who hopes to get funding to research it (unlikely with Aust tight research funding at the moment) thinks the link is more related to "processing v fresh" than to actual age... but can you imagine the "who ha" if it was recommended that you could give solids at 3mo if you used "fresh organic fruit & veg" but if you use jarred, then wait till your lo is 6mo!!
I think the other thing is the idea that solids stop a baby waking, when infact more often than not it has the complete opposite effect as the baby gets upset by food.
Anyway enough of my bandwagon.
My good news Liam is back sleeping 10 hours a night... days are all over the place but I don't care now I get both sleeping until about 5am... can't wait for daylight saving, (going into summer here) so Aiden who wakes with the sun isn't getting up so early
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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hello there
« Reply #444 on: October 22, 2005, 00:28:04 am »
I am new to this thread although I have been wondering around asking questions here and there but just discovered this one and was very excited to read over some of the messages. I thought maybe I was the only one having trouble with naps and night wakings and possible doing everything wrong. I do know I need to work on some things like I think my DD uses her paci as a prop but have not the ooomph to take care of it yet!

Anyway, I am Suzanne and have a LO who turned five months old last Friday.

I have a couple of question but not about babies!

I would love to be able to figure out how to put a greeting under my name that tells everybody about my child but when I go under "profile" and type it in, it does not stay when I hit submit. I also noticed I can't send any personal messages for some reason. Also, could someone tell me how to get one of those cute counters under my name as well.

Thanks and look forward to visiting more with you on this thread.

Mom to Abigail - spirited, touchy, reflux baby

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #445 on: October 22, 2005, 09:03:19 am »
I can imagine the outrage that little suggestion would cause!!!!!!!!!!!! It is true that I did introduce organic, fresh food; it certainly made me feel better about the food than the jarred stuff. In england too they now recommend 6 month weaning but you can do it at four if your GP has no objections. HOpe your friend gets the funding she needs, that is something that needs looking into. On a 'happier' note we are dealing with the next tooth coming out, her bowels are really loose and she is really out of sorts, the whinging is driving me slightly crazy. Happy Days!
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Offline Jamom

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #446 on: October 22, 2005, 14:39:26 pm »
Ok -- well Jake turns 6 mo. on Nov. 2nd (not too far off). Until then, I am just sticking to the cereal which he totally loves.  He too is ff so I went with solids a little earlier but have stuck to just the cereal thus far.  Anyway, here's my question.  Jake currently takes 32 oz. of formula (I don't know the conversion on that).  He eats cereal two times a day usually taking 1 tablespoon or less at each sitting.  When he turns 6 mo., I want to start introducing veggies and fruit.  How do I do it?  I want to start with veggies, and more than likely sweet potatoes since I have read in many places that is a good starting food for the babies.  But how do I do the weaning, etc?  I am so scared that this is going to mess up the good sleeping patterns we have that I have withheld doing it because of that.  I don't want to "wean" and cut back too much so that he doesn't get enough daytime calories, etc., etc.  So, when I start introducing veggies, do I cut back some formula and how much??  Or do I wait to cut back until he is on more foods and more regular meals? 

Anyway, I have my longest trip away from Jake next week -- 3 whole days.  It's going to kill me.  But after that, I am done traveling for awhile.  Right now he is so fun -- really moving and sitting pretty much all by himself.  I just need to be close by or have the Boppy around him in case he gets excited over a toy or tries to look too far over his shoulder and then loses his balance!!  :)  I can't believe he is going to be 6 mo. in a week and a half. Time flies.

I am seeing that the afternoon catnap may be dropped pretty soon.  He stays up so much longer and takes good long naps.  So, when he wakes up after his afternoon nap, he's just not ready for a catnap between 5-6 and I don't want it to be later than that and get to close to his bedtime of 8 pm.  Anyone else experiencing this?

Well, hope you all have a good weekend.  It's getting cold up here in Minnesota, which makes it hard to tote Jake around without bundling him up -- which is quite a hassle.
And that infant carrier sure is getting heavy these days!

Mom to Jacob 05/02/05 and Sophia 8/12/07

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #447 on: October 22, 2005, 16:02:38 pm »
Jamom, PM me your e-mail, I will send you the plan which outlines all the quantities of formula, fruit, veg etc..............
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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #448 on: October 22, 2005, 20:26:11 pm »
Wow...we are finally back from all of our travels and somewhat getting back on track. We've been gone for over 3 weeks...boy has the baby changed in that time. I'm not sure if he is adjusting from the travels or what but I feel like he is ready to drop the 3rd nap. One day while we were at the beach he was up from 3:30 until bed at 7:30. He slept through the night too which I was not expecting. He was pretty happy for those 4 hours too but that hasn't happened again since.

Jameson is doing so many neat things these days too! First two teeth broke the skin on thursday. He is creeping all over the place and even pulled himself to standing yesterday. (He used the dogs ears so it was a learning experience for both...the 80lb boxer didn't even care! Wish I could have gotten a picture of it.)

Also what are the signs that solids should/can be started. LO will be 6 months on the 5th (can not believe it has been that long already?!). The only thing I've really heard is that they watch you eat. He is doing that but I'm not sure that it is because it is food or because I'm doing something that he isn't.

Question for you do we switch to daylight savings time. If we were springing forward I wouldn't worry about it so much but with a baby that wakes between 6:30 - 7 moving that to 5:30-6 is WAY too early for momma. Plus he would be in bed before DH even gets home from work in the evenings.

Well we're off to take another boat ride, might be the last for the season. It is almost 80 here nice!
Jill, proud mother to Jameson born 05.05.05,
touchy/textbook baby!

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any april/may 05 moms want to chat?
« Reply #449 on: October 23, 2005, 04:40:48 am »
Erin, the way I did solids with Aiden (bf) & based on the Australian information was to feed milk then 20mins later offer the solids, what ever he took I accepted as what he wanted. At the 6mo mark you aren't cutting back on milk calories, you are adding to it with solid's calories. Then by the time you get to 9mo, you sort of swap it around & give solids then milk. So by the time they are a year Milk is like the drink & they are having 3 solid meals a day & 2-3 snacks (which could just be 2 bottles if you like).

Jill, If he can sit up (mostly unassisted) & is noticing food & also if his tongue thrust has gone, ie if you put a spoon near the front of his mouth he kind of sucks it in rather than pushes it away... that is the main one

With daylight saving we go the opposite to you being S Hemisphere (thank god... Aiden is up at 6am yuck) but what we do at the other end is to on the Thursday delay be 20mins everything in the day then the Friday another 20mins & then Saturday another 20mins, so by Sunday you are on the new time... of course it isn't that easy, as it might be 3-4 days before the later wake up kicks in. Also you may find 20mins is too much change so maybe 4 x15 or 20mins every 2 days. But that is what has worked for us for the last 2 years. It is getting hot here... Liam is in shorts.

Liam was a star for his Dad yesterday when I went to a Luncheon at the races... he did a textbook day (apart from only 1/2 a bottle) but woke twice at night rather than once... I like to think it was because he missed me all day :D

We still have no sign of teeth (not expecting them actually) but Liam is now rolling tummy to back & almost go the back to tummy figured yeh!!
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05