Author Topic: When did you start with solids?  (Read 3748 times)

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Offline Caroline-Charlies Mummy

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When did you start with solids?
« on: July 21, 2005, 16:38:53 pm »
I was just wondering at what age everyone thinks I should be trying to wean my lo? He is breast fed (with one bottle of formula a day to give Mummy a rest!).

The reason I ask is that most people I know are judging me that I haven't started yet. My parents think I should do it ASAP, and I've even got one friend who weaned her son at 1 month, and obviously feels much more superior than me (I think she thinks her son was a better developer b/c of this).

Anyway, I haven't started yet b/c I'm happy with the breast feeding, and he hasn't started to sit up on his own yet, and I don't want any choking possibilities. When did everyone start weaning their babies onto solids (and what did you say to those who passed judgement on you? :roll: ).
Caroline :)

"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at de sun.' We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground." -- Zora Neale Hurston

Offline mattandcindy

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2005, 17:38:20 pm »
I think your baby is WAY to young to start solids and stop breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is best for them and they don't need anything but your milk until at least 6 months old. A lot of people start solids between 4-6 months old but continue to breastfeed until 1 year or later. Just because you start solids does not mean you need to wean from breastfeeding.
Do what feels right to you. Sounds like you are doing a great job.

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2005, 17:43:59 pm »
It looks like your lo is about to turn 4 months.  I would consult with your dr. about starting cereal...that is rather normal in the states.  I would continue to breastfeed though, your lo is not at an age where your stop the one for the other.  However, if your dr. recommends waiting to start solids I would probably follow your dr.'s orders.

Good Luck!

Holly :wink:

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2005, 18:54:34 pm »
Obviously all babies are different but there are now clear health benefits to breastfeeding longer and holding off on solid food. I doubt your friend who started at 1 month has read recent research!

Here is an extract from the site for some general benefits to delaying solids. There is specific research in more detail there:

Reasons for delaying solids
Although some of the reasons listed here assume that your baby is breastfed or fed breastmilk only, experts recommend that solids be delayed for formula fed babies also.

Delaying solids gives baby greater protection from illness.
Although babies continue to receive many immunities from breastmilk for as long as they nurse, the greatest immunity occurs while a baby is exclusively breastfed. Breastmilk contains 50+ known immune factors, and probably many more that are still unknown. One study has shown that babies who were exclusively breastfed for 4+ months had 40% fewer ear infections than breastfed babies whose diets were supplemented with other foods. The probability of respiratory illness occurring at any time during childhood is significantly reduced if the child is fed exclusively breast milk for at least 15 weeks and no solid foods are introduced during this time. (Wilson, 1998) Many other studies have also linked the degree of exclusivity of breastfeeding to enhanced health benefits (see Immune factors in human milk and Risks of Artificial Feeding).

Delaying solids gives baby's digestive system time to mature.
If solids are started before a baby's system is ready to handle them, they are poorly digested and may cause unpleasant reactions (digestive upset, gas, constipation, etc.). Protein digestion is incomplete in infancy. Gastric acid and pepsin are secreted at birth and increase toward adult values over the following 3 to 4 months. The pancreatic enzyme amylase does not reach adequate levels for digestion of starches until around 6 months, and carbohydrate enzymes such as maltase, isomaltase, and sucrase do not reach adult levels until around 7 months. Young infants also have low levels of lipase and bile salts, so fat digestion does not reach adult levels until 6-9 months.

Delaying solids decreases the risk of food allergies.
It is well documented that prolonged exclusive breastfeeding results in a lower incidence of food allergies (see Allergy References and Risks of Artificial Feeding). From birth until somewhere between four and six months of age, babies possess what is often referred to as an "open gut." This means that the spaces between the cells of the small intestines will readily allow intact macromolecules, including whole proteins and pathogens, to pass directly into the bloodstream.This is great for your breastfed baby as it allows beneficial antibodies in breastmilk to pass more directly into baby's bloodstream, but it also means that large proteins from other foods (which may predispose baby to allergies) and disease-causing pathogens can pass right through, too. During baby's first 4-6 months, while the gut is still "open," antibodies (sIgA) from breastmilk coat baby's digestive tract and provide passive immunity, reducing the likelihood of illness and allergic reactions before gut closure occurs. Baby starts producing these antibodies on his own at around 6 months, and gut closure should have occurred by this time also. See How Breast Milk Protects Newborns and The Case for the Virgin Gut for more on this subject.

Delaying solids helps to protect baby from iron-deficiency anemia.
The introduction of iron supplements and iron-fortified foods, particularly during the first six months, reduces the efficiency of baby's iron absorption. Healthy, full-term infants who are breastfed exclusively for periods of 6-9 months have been shown to maintain normal hemoglobin values and normal iron stores. In one study (Pisacane, 1995), the researchers concluded that babies who were exclusively breastfed for 7 months (and were not give iron supplements or iron-fortified cereals) had significantly higher hemoglobin levels at one year than breastfed babies who received solid foods earlier than seven months. The researchers found no cases of anemia within the first year in babies breastfed exclusively for seven months and concluded that breastfeeding exclusively for seven months reduces the risk of anemia. See Is Iron-Supplementation Necessary? for more information.

Delaying solids helps to protect baby from future obesity.
The early introduction of solids is associated with increased body fat and weight in childhood. (for example, see Wilson, 1998)

Delaying solids helps mom to maintain her milk supply.
Studies have shown that for a young baby solids replace milk in a baby's diet - they do not add to baby's total intake. The more solids that baby eats, the less milk he takes from mom, and less milk taken from mom means less milk production. Babies who eat lots of solids or who start solids early tend to wean prematurely.

Delaying solids helps to space babies.
Breastfeeding is most effective in preventing pregnancy when your baby is exclusively breastfed and all of his nutritional and sucking needs are satisfied at the breast.

Delaying solids makes starting solids easier.
Babies who start solids later can feed themselves and are not as likely to have allergic reactions to foods.
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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2005, 19:05:49 pm »
I didn't read all of what Samuels Mommy said but I wanted throw out there one thing I was told.  When my first was starting solids I was told that if you wait till 7 months or after to start solid food your run the RISK of the baby developing an aversion to solid food.  I don't know of the specific research to back this up, nor do I know of any research that disputes it.  But, it may be worth looking into yourself if it's something you'd like to know more about! :wink:

Holly :wink:

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2005, 19:34:10 pm »
Actually, it isn't recommended that you wait much longer than 6 mo to begin solids, because of the reason Holly mentioned and, after 6 mo, babies begin to require iron in their diets. Not as big of an issue for babies on formula, but definitely for the ones who bf.

Personally, I've never understood why there's such a rush to start solids. I waited until 6 mo, and all the babies in our playgroup started at 4 mo to the day. The moms all thought I was weird. When they'd say stuff, I'd just tell them he wasn't ready yet. Once I started solids, I was soooo glad I'd waited. This sounds awful, but I thought it was such a pain...I felt like Tyler spent all day either nursing or in the high chair! The nice thing, too, was that he picked up eating solids very quickly and we didn't spend very long in the "mush" stage, since he started finger foods a couple of months later.

The bottom line is that you know what's best for your baby. This is probably only the beginning of the judging comments you'll get from the rest of the world about your parenting choices, so stick to your guns and do what YOU think is best!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Offline Tammy: Ethan & Kaden's Mom

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2005, 19:56:52 pm »
I just within the past few days started my ds on rice cereal.  I waited until he was at least 5 months old.  I don't see what the rush is either.  If they act interested, then it's okay, but if not, don't rush it.  My doctor didn't recommend starting cereal until he was closer to the 5 or 6 month mark, she said there was no reason we had to start him on cereal at 4 months, like so many people do.

I did want to introduce the cereal first, so he would get the hang of eating with a spoon first, before we go to solid baby foods.  I don't plan to start those until he is 6 months old, and after his 6 month check-up.

I wouldn't worry about starting the solids yet, unless your doctor recommends it.  And if you want, you could always try a few days with cereal, and if he doesn't seem to go for it yet, you can wait.  He may not be ready yet!


Offline Samanthas mum

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2005, 20:19:21 pm »
I cannot believe the comments you are receiving from people!!!!!!!

When they start on solids is not a developmental thing at all but I do think different babies are ready at different times.

I have never heard of anyone starting at 1 month - that is crazy. Also like the one of the previous mums said - just because you start them on solids doesn't mean you have to wean them off the breast - both can sit side by side quite happily.

Funnily enough I got some negative feedback for starting my dd before 6 months. I personally decided it was right for her for amongst other reasons she became fascinated with food when I was eating it - would even try to grab fruit out of my hand to put in her mouth - was on the maximum amount of milk I could possibly give her which combined with a minor reflux problem was fun and she was still waking at night hungry.

When I did start however it was with one small meal a day and I always made sure she had had her milk first. Even when I increased the amounts I was very careful to make sure she was still taking in the same amount of milk, as up to 6 months, milk should be their primary source of nutrition.

You must do what is right for you and your baby - you will know when the time is right to start weaning onto solids.

The guidelines issued by the UK government are that you shouldn't start before 17 weeks and ideally wait until 6 months. You can spout that off to anyone who gives you any hassle!!!!

If you can wait then I would recommend waiting until 6 months - if not go with the flow like I did BUT I would say without a shadow of a doubt don't start before 17 weeks.

Sam's Mum

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2005, 00:43:13 am »
Recent research published, I believe in Canada, by the Canadian Dietetics Association has indicated that starting solids before six months of age is detrimental to your baby's health.  Prior to this publication, physicians  and dietitians recommended beginning solids at 4 months.

I agree with some of the above comments, you will know when your child is ready - are they willing to accept a spoon, have they lost their early tongue thrust behavior, do they show interest in food?

And yes, once you start solids - things get much more complicated!  It is sometimes much easier to breast feed throughout the day! 

I started trying my little guy on rice cereal at about 5 months, I too was feeling the peer pressure, and was constantly questioned by other moms about if my child was eating yet.  My son demonstrated he was not at all ready at 5 months and totally refused.  I tried again a couple of weeks later, and what a difference!  You will know when they are ready!
mother of eli

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2005, 13:23:51 pm »
Because of all the health risks associated with starting solids too early, I was determined to wait until just about 6 months to start, despite lots of people asking - it seemed to be older people or friends whose kids were much older.  I was shocked when my aunt asked if I had started Megan on cereal yet when she was only 2 months old!  That said, although I started trying around 6 months, Megan didn't really start EATING until closer to 7.5 or 8 months! My advice is to relax and take whatever happens in stride!  :D
Mother to Megan and Samantha

Offline opp2

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2005, 19:28:19 pm »
I found my first wasn't ready for solids til 6.5 mos. She spit it out and was generally unhappy about it. My 4 month old son on the other hand is totally into food. He stares at me while I eat, licks his lips ( very funny to watch) and doesn't spit out a spoon if I put it on his tongue. I gave him a taste of banana ( rubbed it on so it was more like liquid) on my finger yesterday and he seemed to like it. However, I'm going to try to hold him off for a while yet. I may give him little tastes of banana or pear in the am's if I'm eating it, but I think six months is a better time.

my two cents only
kaitlin 06/06/02
thomas 21/03/05


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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2005, 23:20:09 pm »
I waited until Anna was 7.5 months. We tried some banana earlier but she didn't seem to be ready then. At 7.5 months she started eating a little and then she surprised us at 12 months, she started eating like a shark  :lol: , everything and in big quantities (and it continues to this day, while many toddlers eat hardly anything). I don't believe that there is a window of opportunity and if you wait longer than 6 months it closes and your baby won't learn to eat solids. It was not our case.

Offline Caroline-Charlies Mummy

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2005, 12:14:56 pm »
Just wanted to say a big Thank You to everyone who's replied. I've read all your comments, & decided to wait until he's at least 5&1/2 months before I start him on baby rice and anyone who disagrees can lump it! :)
Caroline :)

"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at de sun.' We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground." -- Zora Neale Hurston

Offline opp2

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2005, 02:26:21 am »
I find those signature lines cute but hard to figure the birthdays. However, from reading yours I suspect your child and mine were born within days of each other. Is your lo's birthday March 22??
kaitlin 06/06/02
thomas 21/03/05

Offline Caroline-Charlies Mummy

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When did you start with solids?
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2005, 10:52:47 am »
Hi opp2, nearly right, his birthday is on March 23rd (1.20am :shock: ).

When was your lo born? How are you getting on? We're pretty settled into a routine now, & he seems a happy baby. Have overcome a lot of problems, but I bet there are more to come!

Caroline :)

"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at de sun.' We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground." -- Zora Neale Hurston