Wondering if anyone can help as I am getting a little confused. :?
My dd is just over 6.5 months old and on the whole is a good little sleeper. She goes down for her first 2 naps generally very quickly and without any fuss at all and sleeps for anywhere between 1.25 hrs to 2 hrs which is great.

Up until recently she would go down for her catnap of around 30 mins with no trouble and then although bedtime would take a little longer she would go off on her own or just require a little back rubbing.
Now all of a sudden she gets quite worked up when I try and put her down for her catnap (even though she is tired) and out of the last 10 days has got seriously worked up 6/7 of those days at bedtime???
I have had it in the back of my mind that she should be starting to drop her catnap but she hasn't shown any signs of being ready to do this. I have looked at trying to extend her "A" time beyond 2 - 2.25 hrs but if I do then putting her down for her main naps can become hard work so basically I am chickening out and putting her down at the first sign of tiredness which is always around the 2 hour mark. This then means that the latest she wakes from her 2nd nap is 3/3:30pm and there is no way she could make it all the way to bedtime without her catnap - when it has been missed the meltdown at bedtime has been bad
My dd is an active little thing - on the verge of crawling, never stops rolling and even when she is sat in her little chair there is an arm or a leg jiggling about :lol: :lol: - I don't want to change that as she is a happy little soul and that is just the way she is. I have always thought this contributed to why should could never really go beyond the 2 hour mark???
Anyway do you think it is because she is still having her late afternoon catnap that is the root of the problem??? If so does anyone have any advice on extending the "A" time without too much trauma and without too much of a knock on effect on the other naps - or do I just need to accept that it will be a bit difficult until she adjusts?

Alternatively can anyone identify another reason for the problem? I have thought about developmental changes etc but if they were an issue wouldn't it be difficult putting her down for every nap??
As background her daily routine goes something like this:-
7:00/7:30am wakes up
7:30/8:00am milk and solids
9:00/9:30am sleep
11:00/11:30am milk
12:30pm solids
1:00/1:30pm sleep
3:00/3:30pm milk
5:00/5:30pm sleep
6:00/6:15pm solids
6:30/6:45pm bath
7:00/7:15pm milk
7:15:7:30om bed
(Currently cutting back on DF - now at 9:30pm)
I had thought about bringing her bedtime back but if I did then I would be putting her down around 5:30/6pm which is surely too early??? Also she would then wake earlier in the morning and her bedtime would then keep on creeping back - would it not?

or am I going crazy!!! (Also from a selfish point of view I don't really want to put her to bed any earlier or my dh wouldn't get to see her during the week)
Any comments would be gratefully received.