To be honest I have been wondering the same thing about whether I should leave time between each bottle feed and solid feed. Daniel seems to be happy to eat solids first and then he still takes all his bottle (sometimes still cries for more!). I had started to ween him off the lunch time bottle and all seemed well but this week lunchtime has become quite difficult so today I tried giving him 3 oz milk first and then feeding solids. This worked much better. He then enjoyed his food more. Maybe he is just too hungry to start with solids!
Also about a week ago Daniel went for a couple of days where he didn't really want much milk. As you said I just make sure that I add a lot of milk to his meals. He's back on milk big time now though! He had his third tooth pop through on Sat though so maybe that was bothering him last week. He stills seems like he's in quite a bit of pain so I'm wondering whether he has another tooth coming as well.
The name of that book is 'Pregnancy, babycare and nutrition for babies and toddlers'. It is by Alison Mackonochie and Sara Lewis. I have found it really useful, especially the 'cooking for babies and toddlers' section. There are loads of really good, simple recipes - I've not found one yet that Daniel hasn't loved.
Funny you said your health visitor isn't much help - neither is mine. She had me in tears a few weeks ago when I said I was going to start him on solids as milk just wasn't satisfying him anymore (he was having about 9oz every 3 or 4 hours and still crying at the end of each bottle for more). :? She said we have overfed him and he has now got used to feeling overful. She implied that every time he cries we shove a bottle in his mouth and that's why he seems so hungry all the time. I was so mad because what she doesn't realise is right since he was born we have been so paranoid about not over feeding him. And following the 4 hour EASY routine meant that we were rarely feeding him more than every 4 hours. Tracy suggests that some bigger babies will need to start solids earlier so that's what we did. He was only 3.5 months. He now weighs 21lb and I love every pound of him.
I don't see the hv quite so often now and I have purposed to take what she says with a pinch of salt. It really is true that you know your own baby best. Go with your instincts. Daniel is such a happy healthy baby it's silly to waste days worrying about things that don't really matter.