My dd is 7 months-1 week and she is also feeding solids three times a day as well as bf 4-5 times a day. Where does all the food go :lol: !!! She seems to be doing just fine with all these feeds. I just watch her cues to stop or give more and will continue to do this. She eats for breakfast: 2 tblsp. cereal and 2 cubes fruit, Lunch: 2 cubes veggie and 1 cube fruit, Dinner: 2 tblsbp. cereal, 2 cubes veggie and 1 cube fruit. Wow, now that I write this down it does seem like a lot :shock: ! But she eats it all and seems satisfied. She sometimes wakes up and feeds at around 3-4 a.m. but most times lasts until 6-7 a.m. for an early bf. If she wakes up at 3-4 I reswaddle her and give her a pacifier and it seems to settle her down until 6-7ish. I say sometimes because there are night when she wakes up and feeds as if she had not eaten all day!! HTH, momtomiya