SLEEP > Night Wakings

Question about where baby sleeps???


Does it matter where your baby's crib is?  Is it better to be in their own room or is it ok for the crib to be in my room?

Thanks!!! :roll:

I believe it is personal preference....though for me, they make too many little sounds that keep me up...thus crib in their own room :D

I agree with noelle.  Babies are such fitful, noisy sleepers.  For me, having them in their own room was wonderful.  Also, if they wake up but aren't crying, you're more likely to try to get them settled if they're in your room.  But they might not need the help, and it might enforce those wakings, when really they could do it by themselves.  Hope that makes sense!!

Thanks ladies.  I agree but it is just so much easier bc they are right there.  Maybe I am not letting him settle by himself when he could.  Hopefully I can get my husband to move it back to his room.  Haha!!!  :lol:  I have made him move the crib back and forth like 10 times.


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