Author Topic: 2 to 1 in 2 days?  (Read 2166 times)

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Offline Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom)

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2 to 1 in 2 days?
« on: July 29, 2005, 13:24:45 pm »
Hi All,
Up until yesterday we had a great schedule/routine going.
8.00 up and breakfast
10-10.45 nap
12.30 lunch
13.15-15.15ish nap sometimes snack to follow
18.30 dinner
19.30 ish bed.
yesterday dd had a very unsettled afternoon nap woke up on and off but I put it down to having introduced a new food( meat)
Today the schedule went as normal until after lunch, It took her 15 mins to settle and so she slept from 13.30-14.00, for the next hour she sang in her cot until I picked her up at 15.00. Have put her back to bed to see if she will nap now but its not looking like it.
They say it only takes 3 days to form a bad habit??? so would greatly appreciate some advice for tomorrow. Nothing has changed except the introuduction of meat mixed with loads of veg which she ate no problem.
tomorrow morning I will cut the am nap down by 10 mins and see if this helps though usually by 12.15ish she starts rubbing her eyes.
Could she be transitioning to one nap???? Please say no, not yet, i am not ready :oops:

Mom to Leah 23/09/04

Offline Meg's Mom

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2 to 1 in 2 days?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2005, 16:02:14 pm »
I would try moving that pm nap 30min later and to protect bed time end by 4pm.

Am I understanding correctly - am nap is 45min?  If yes, that could be why she is tired so soon after (12.15ish).  If this is case I would move am nap 2.5hr from wake up and pm nap 3 hrs after wake from am nap.

Our LOs are about 1mos apart and am have issues as well, but definitely not ready to move to 1 nap either  :?

Hope that helps, let us know - maybe we can help each other thru delaying that eventual 1 nap :wink:

Offline matt&chris mom

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2 to 1 in 2 days?
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2005, 16:53:14 pm »
My almost 11 month old woke up one hour later yesterday morning so he skipped his morning nap and only took one nap. I expected it to at least be a 2 hour nap but it was more like 1 hour and 15 minutes. I just got him down for his morning nap at 11:30. He was fighting me, but I needed him to take a nap because our friends are watching him this afternoon.

I really don't have any advice because Chris keeps increasing his awake time daily. He isn't showing any sleepy cues anymore. I just have to go by the normal times he usually goes to sleep.


Offline Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom)

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2 to 1 in 2 days?
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2005, 18:03:24 pm »
And thanks for the replies.
Yes Michelle its a 45 minute nap :-) and by 10am she is so begging for it and goes out like a light. I have to say today I woke her 5 minutes early from it, gave chicken for lunch and we were back to normal, she only sang for about 5 minutes at lunchtime and off she went until 3.20 so that was 2 hours. So am a bit puzzled but will be keeping a close eye on it in the next few days to see how it goes and will try again with meat the day after tomorrow though I doubt if this is anything to do with it. She went down to bed tonight at 7.25 pm and again she was begging to go. Fingers crossed. Will be interested to see how it goes for you :-)

Mom to Leah 23/09/04

Offline Meg's Mom

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2 to 1 in 2 days?
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2005, 04:17:57 am »

Well i am glad to hear your day went better  :D

I can't report such good news - am nap was 45min and pm was 45min but then she went back to sleep for maybe 15min - urg.  She was as you say "begging to go down" too.

I had thought i would stop extending just now as she came down w/ a bad cold yesterday and the meds always make her sleep longer.  But no luck today.

No idea what to do, continue extending wake time or start moving toward 1  :?