Sharon – Mum to Ella Rose, thanks for posting your schedule.
I am interested to hear how today went? This nap refusal can only be developmental - is she on the verge of crawling, standing, walking? Hang in there, we will help you through it.
I have read that at this age they need set times, we did that at 8-9mos and it helped w/ our LO. So from reading all your posts some ideas (you may already be doing this):
1. I would suggest you set new nap times and stick to it – if she misses the nap then hold her over until next nap time. This should help set her body rhythms
2. keep last 15-30min of A time very low key (like: reading in room, walk if she won't go to sleep in stroller!)
3. make sure she is going into her bed, awake. If you are winding her down too long, she is probably going through the stages of falling asleep in your arms, instead of in her bed. When you lie her down, she will probably flop about, fuss.. etc. This is okay.
4. make sure her room is as dark as possible
5. make her day start no later than 7 am
6. the schedule you posted should will work (once we get her back on track). But shorten the am nap to 1hr.
7 wake
10.00 nap till 11 (3hrs A)
2.30 nap till 4 (3.5hrs A)
8 bed (4hrs A)
gives 11hr night sleep as they will rob one for the other.
I hope this helps, I have also sent an email to the board to see if they have any ideas.