I have a five-month-old who I did sleep training with and he has fallen asleep on his own in bed for the past 3 weeks or so (before that he still needed some intervention/patting, but we've been able to phase that out). He's been going to sleep fabulously until the last three days or so. Now, about half the time, I'll do his wind-down routine and he'll get increasingly upset during it until he's flat out screaming. HARD. I thought something was hurting him but if I stand up and walk around he settles down fairly quickly. So anyway this happened yesterday once (hour long screaming fit, missed entire nap and then fell asleep during next feed), and twice today. Finally today I popped a pacifier in his mouth, which he's never really used, and he calmed down IMMEDIATELY. I put him in his bed and two minutes after that he was asleep. What the hey is going on here? He usually sucks his fingers or thumb so has never really used his sucky that much. Here are the things we're currently going through that could be contributing to the problem:
1. started solid food about 10 days ago. Have added one new food in the last few days but he doesn't always do the screaming so I don't think it's that...? I also gave him those gas drops today but it didn't seem to make a difference.
2. his wind-down routine is shorter than it used to be, just because it's been going so well, and so we don't sit in the rocking chair as long as we used to. Does he need extra cuddle time?
I tried everything during the screaming...putting him in bed, taking him back out when he got hysterical...and when the pacifier worked like that I didn't know WHAT to think. Someone please give me some insight!