Aiden used to associate night sleep with a bf & what I did was slowly lengthen the time between the 2.
First few days I just took him for a cuddle with his dad (mostly he was all but asleep) & we gradually got him to having stories between the feed & bed & when I was ready to stop bf he really never noticed.
My thought is that it has to do with the association with falling asleep on a full belly even if he doesn't feed to sleep & so in light sleep cycles at night he can wake up.
My thought is to set up a plan...
Day 1-3 feed & 3 min cuddle before sleep, with quiet talking
Day 4-6 feed, short walk, 3 min cuddle & quiet chat
day 6-9 feed, short walk around house, short story, cuddle & quiet chat
day 10-12 feed, short activity story, cuddle etc
Three days seems to be long enough to adjust, but you might like change every 4 or 5 days if it seems to be too fast
But I would think that with in a month, you could probably have a good 1/2 to 1 hour space between the feeds (shorter at night) before naps & when he has a nap, so his association is with a story & cuddle & not the comforting of breast.
This sort of pattern worked well with Aiden, although we still get plenty of night wakeups with teething, colds & any other halfway reasonable excuse, but part of that is my dealing with his night wakings when preg & now I'm dealing with that.