When you think back, do the nightwakings coincide with starting solids?
Tracy would tell you not to go to her unless she's clearly upset and crying. By going to her during her nap when she's not settling, you're not giving her a chance to work things out on her own -- you're not giving her a chance to fall asleep on her own. Do you have Tracy's newest book? In it she teaches how to distinguish between a baby's "Mantra Cry" and a cry that you know means, 'get in here, I need help.' It sounds like your baby is dependent upon you to settle back to sleep.
Have you had any difficulties with any solids you've started? Constipation? Stomach upset, etc? Any chance she's teething or is on the verge of a developmental gain?
Does she suck her thumb or use a pacifier?
How many naps a day and how many hours of awake time between them? If you've not told me her age, include that.