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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #105 on: August 21, 2005, 07:39:11 am »
yea- I   wondered that - about seeing the other dr. like you say it might be good fate! Jacobs eyes are a bit better today. But he woke last night 3.30am  :shock:  for the first time in about 3 months!! :shock:  :shock:  I think its either developmental or he is having a growth  spurt. So we did pu/pd. Seem to be doing a lot of that these days! :evil: I ought to go back to bed, but I hate sleeping in the day. Hope your cat is better. :D Jacob is veggie, because of my life philosophy, not because he is allergic to meat, although sometimes if you are allergic to milk, you can also be to beef. etc.
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Offline oscar10405

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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #106 on: August 21, 2005, 08:56:07 am »
Oscar has really gone backwards in the sleep dept.  Little naps all day, a huge fight to put him down - sooooooo tired of it all!  He's got red-rimmed eyes alot too, makes me feel so bad.  How can I extend his nap when he wakes up happy?  Seriously, you can't do pu/pd with a happy bub.  It's about 30 minutes later that he starts showing tired signs again.  Grrrrr.....anyway - only two week till I get some help!

I would love to be vegetarian - but I do love chicken.  :)

Anyway, another hard day in our household, Oscar really puts up a fight when sleep time comes, it's very, very draining. 


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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #107 on: August 21, 2005, 09:30:04 am »
PS - I also bought a CD of womb sounds to play whilst he sleeps but DH thought it was 'creepy' so we've gone for the static radio again! :roll:

In the meantime...I think I will end the day with a G&T!  Cheers....

Offline chell

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« Reply #108 on: August 23, 2005, 11:49:08 am »
Mmm, yes I used to love chicken, and bacon!! They were the last two meats I stopped eating. I've got flu today and Jacob is poorly too, so I rung in sick. Trying to think when I've done pu/pd. I  think, at times Jacob has been happy, but I've assumed he is tired/nap time and just gone for it. Why can't you do it with a happy bub :?:
gosh is it only two weeks to go? How long will you be away for, and will you have access to the web? :?
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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #109 on: August 24, 2005, 00:12:35 am »
Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly - hope it doesn't get any worse.

Well, you pick them up when they are crying, don't you?  If he's lying there smiling at me - what am I supposed to do?  Leave him there happy until he starts to cry?  I can't do that, that just feels really mean? 

Having said that, he's been waking up at 5am and I've been bringing him into our bed but he only drifts in and out of a restless sleep so it's not really working.  I DREAD the thought of doing pu/pd at 5am but not sure what else to do?!   I think the pu/pd thing has become scary for me now. :roll:

We won't have access to the web, unfortunately.  I am a bit scared of going now (I know, I know.....I'm never happy!).  I'm starting to soften and think 'maybe we should just put up with what we've got now' because I'm not sure I want to see him cry and learn new things again.  Despite being a poo-head with sleep, he really has been a little angel by sleeping in his cot for us.  :?

what to do...what to do.....?!

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« Reply #110 on: August 24, 2005, 17:47:25 pm »
did a post, now lost it :evil: Got to get something to eat -starving :shock:
will post later!!!
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« Reply #111 on: August 25, 2005, 02:50:28 am »
that is so annoying!!  :roll:

Offline chell

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« Reply #112 on: August 25, 2005, 06:35:07 am »
Hi! I'm back. Had lots of trouble getting on the web yesterday.
No! don't leave it - it won't get better on its own. Just imagine when Oscar is able to talk saying 'Mummy noooooo, I don't want to go to sleep' that would be just horrid. Definately get it sorted hwile he's still young (I know you will , I can tell you're that sort of person). I think the clinic sounds ok. Remember that Nurse said you won't have to leave him to CIO. I bet they'll give you a choice of methods. Have they heard of BW methods? I bet there'll be something similar. It'll be great having the support of other people there with you. You'll be ok - so will Oscar.

I was up last night !! 4.30 am - sorting out baby J -not well. Had to do pu/pd!! oh dear rather jaded today!

Gotta go and have breakfast! O dear You'll always think I'm eating!!

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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #113 on: August 25, 2005, 10:20:16 am »
I'll go.  His day sleeps are really, really bad still and I guess getting up every 2 hours at night isn't cool either! 

Cheryl - i am an eating machine - BF makes me a hungry hippo - and hippo I am (not really but heaps bigger than I used to be....).  There's a good post on here somewhere about not being able to lose weight etc while bf.   :roll:   I am eating the healthiest diet but makes no difference to the huge tummy. 

I had to do pu/pd at 4.30am too (and 1am).  I brought him into bed this morning at 6.30, just to lie with him and cuddle and start the day with some smiles but he closed his eyes and went back to sleep (head on my pillow?!!).  Woke up at 8.30!  Cheeky boy.  He had 3 x 30 min naps today and was sooooo tired tonight - was splashing away in his bath in a sort of half cranky/half happy way (his red rimmed eyes gave it away though).

What's up with Jacob?

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Advice that may not be for you...
« Reply #114 on: August 25, 2005, 11:10:48 am »
A very easy book to read and that makes sense is BabyWise.  I don't mean to sound cold but you must stop certain behaviors in order to develop new behaviors.  I have found whenever I wanted a certain behavior to stop within 2 to 5 nights the new behavior would be formed as long as I stayed tough.  I have friends that did the same things you have described and still 3 years later they are still having the same sleep problems.  You need to teach your child to fall asleep on his own.  I'm a schedule freak, yet I can tell you every day what time my 21 month old is going to go to sleep, what time he will eat, etc...    I always put my child to sleep awake and he has learned how to put himself to sleep. I do the Sleep, Eat, Alert schedule with him.   There was times I had to let him cry himself to sleep, but I don't think any time lasted more than 40 minutes.  It's a painful process, yet I'm so thankful I provided my child the opportunity to learn how to sleep.   The good news is your baby is still so young it won't be as hard as you think.  He can still sleep with you if that's what you enjoy... but get the baby to fall asleep on his own.  Honestly, I think when I started with this schedule was right around the same age your baby is at, so just get tough in yourself and the rewards will payoff and your hands will be free before you know it.

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« Reply #115 on: August 25, 2005, 13:49:26 pm »
Hi JBD,  I do understand that some parents feel that they have to let their babies CIO, as nothing else seemed to have worked, but Tracy wouldn't have advocated for this. I guess we all do the best we can at the time.
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« Reply #116 on: August 25, 2005, 13:54:09 pm »
Jane, Jacob is ok, just has the same flu bug as me - woke up coughing last night. Anyway you're alllowed to eat like a hungry hippo  :P cos you're still BF, I'm not, so there is no excuse :roll:
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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #117 on: August 25, 2005, 15:41:49 pm »
:lol: about the eating! Initially I lost a lot of weight, now I seem to have put it back on  :? Oh well, will just have to get to the gym  :shock:

As for the sleep training - I would go to the clinic if I were you Jane as the earlier they learn the easier it is, for them and you. Ella did not sleep through the night til about age 4/5! Let me tell you I was utterly ed off with it by then! She always wanted to get in bed with me at some point in the night, would be up a couple of times in the evening and often was hard to get off to sleep at bedtime. I did Ferberise her (controlled crying) when she was about 7 months old which helped (though was far more stressful for us both), but she still never slept well due to me feeding to sleep mainly and not giving her the opportunity to learn to get to sleep when she was younger. Initially I just loved cuddling her to sleep, but in the end it was nearly the death of me!

My own thoughts now are to always try to soothe in the crib, sometimes I am there til she drops off, but at least you can wean them off that gently and the crib is always associated with sleep. Saying that I am not perfect! This morning I fell asleep when feeding and we didn't wake up til 8.45. I just try not to let that happen very often so it doesn't become a bad habit.

Good luck!

Cheryl - Hoping you and Jacob are feeling better today :D
Susana xx
Mum to Ruby Rose (Spirited, Touchy)
& Ella Joy 4/10/92 (Teenage and hormonal)

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« Reply #118 on: August 25, 2005, 17:04:36 pm »
Yea, were both a lot better today. I must admit, before I started doing BW properly, I tried CC once. And it was the only time. I got really stressed and after about 4 mins, Jacob got really scared :shock:  and vommited.  :cry:   So I would never do it again. Luckily he was very forgiving and it did not make a lasting impression.
I've been trying to teach Jacob to sign, and at long long last he has started to sign for milk!!  :D  :D Trouble is I think he has cottoned on to this as a way of delaying naps/bedtime, cos he knows he's going to get a response!  :wink: Are babies really that clever or am I reading too much into it ??!
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Offline oscar10405

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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #119 on: August 25, 2005, 22:41:12 pm »
Hi - yeah, I know control crying gives some parents the results they want but I'm not going there - I guess, having whinged and become almost hysterical over no sleep, I would still rather put up with it than let him cry to sleep, that's just how I feel.  My sister tried it on her lo (out of sheer desperation) and said it made her 10 times worse and it tooks weeks to rebuild the trust.  Anyway - it's a touchy subject but I guess I wouldn't be trying the BW methods if was into CC.  (but I do appreciate your advice JBD - you're not the first one to tell me to toughen up!)

Having said that, Oscar was up at 6am this morning, laughing and grinning at me so I knew there was no sleep-in today!  He's napping now (he'll do his reliable 40 mins).  I wish someone would wind me down and give me a nap too!  :roll:  Unlike my DH, who can fall asleep in an instant, I take about 30 mins to fall asleep, so I don't even try to catch up when Oscar goes down!

I hear that quite a bit about weight - that is, putting it back on again.  Does having a baby automatically slow your metabolism or what?  It seems like now I'm a Mum, I must have tuck-shop arms and 3 tyres around my waist.  In fact, speaking of Mums - when I look in the mirror now, I see MY Mum's body!  :x   I used to be so fit and slim!  I hope I can get back there again without too much drama, guess it will take time, probably longer than the 9 months it took to get here though!  :roll:

Signing?  I've never heard of that!  (except for in the movie - Meet the funny).  Is this a BW thing? 
