Author Topic: Do I wake DD from naps?  (Read 2055 times)

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Do I wake DD from naps?
« on: August 02, 2005, 21:15:08 pm »
I am feeding my DD every 3 hours right now (we were doing 2 hours until I read the book and have stretched it to 3) so she eats more at each feed and now that we have gotten her to sleep in the crib she sleeps longer and when it comes up to her next feed should I wake her?

Maybe I am not putting her down soon enough after "A" so she is napping into her feeding time.
Abigail born May 26, 2005

Offline cazao

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Do I wake DD from naps?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2005, 23:10:54 pm »
hey there. not sure how old your lo is, but i assume she`s still pretty young. if she`s sleeping so well at her naps then i`d say you`re probably spot on with the activity time at the moment....leave it any longer and she`ll be overtired and won`t sleep, much less and she won`t be tired enough and won`t sleep!! so don`t change the acitivity time while it`s working so well. when dd used to sleep though feedtime (some babies are just really sleepy) i`d let her go about an hour over, but then wake her to feed the early days it`s important to get enough feed into them during the day so they don`t have to feed so much at night.. the key is not to let them sleep so long that they miss out a whole feed cycle. hope this helps.
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Do I wake DD from naps?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2005, 23:27:29 pm »
How old is your DD? I agree with what cazao said, I would let her go over on her naps. But again, her age would make a difference... And to make sure she had been putting enough weight on since delivery.
Mother to Madison Lyn & Justine Anna
DD#1: May 20, 2003
DD#2: August 3, 2005

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Offline mommynow

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Do I wake DD from naps?
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2005, 01:13:16 am »
She is nine weeks old. Thanks.
Abigail born May 26, 2005