We hadn't had a good spell with Aiden for a while teething his eye teeth/colds etc & won't take pain meds, & as it all started when I was preg, I did the quick fix, well once the teeth were through things settled down he got a cold & ear infection & 3 nights of every 1.5hours... I was a wreck, once the antibiotics kicked in he was better but still the 1-3 wakings, so I was still a wreck.
Anyway dh never woke unless Aiden was really upset, so we had a chat about it...decided I should not get up to Aiden & dh would if he woke up or if I thought Aiden was getting too distressed then I would wake dh to go to him. So I started counting when Aiden woke (to give me something to focus on) something I used to do before & forgot about
& hey since we started this we have only had to get up to him at 6.10am & 6.15am. (get up time 7am) sure I have been woken twice each night, but Aiden has resettled himself in about 3 mins...
OK I admit I was getting up & into him faster than superman, because I knew giving him a dummy meant he was off to sleep straight away & I got sleep & half the time I had been up feeding Liam anyway.
Just thought I'd share the reminder about how waiting to see if they settle does work if they have been able to settle in the past!