Hi there
my lo is 12 months and doing just the same, but also waking in the night. I read about using this method and have been for coming up to a week now, it seems to be working.
Georgia can't stand yet and is just sitting, so I will go in lay her down say 'night night time for sleep' then walk out, count to 50 and if she is still properly crying (usually she has sat up again by now) I will go back in and repeat. It is now working after 2 or 3 times....sometime just once!
Last night though I messed up as she was crying so hard and wasn't sitting up I picked her up and she threw the most awful tantrum, it was terrible, I had to lay her on the floor. It was as though I was interfering in her sleep by picking her up....that'll teach me! So I won't be doing that again!
I am aiming for consistency as that way she should learn that there will be no play/feeding/interaction in the nighttime, just a siple lay back down, warm and loving 'night. night' then time for sleep!
Hope it works....
If anyone can advise me on what to do with a toddler who is crying, but not sitting or standing I would be very appreciative.
TIA & Good luck