Author Topic: 10 1/2 mo old standing up and wont' go to sleep-DEPRESSED  (Read 2112 times)

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Offline Nicole-Momtomegan

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10 1/2 mo old standing up and wont' go to sleep-DEPRESSED
« on: August 04, 2005, 02:46:31 am »
Okay, so after doing 5mo's of hellish sleep training my dd has been a great sleeper for the past 4mo's.
Now, recently she figured out she could sit up and stand up in her crib. her morning nap (knock on wood) is still okay. she goes down no problem. doesn't sit up and i dont' hear her. (however this nap has gotten short the last few days---developmental?)
BUT....the afternoon nap, she cries! and stands up saying "mamamama"....sigh. i put her down,s he gets right back up again. so yesterday and today, i just rocked her dosey adn then put her down.....
do i have to PU/PD..or PD i shoudl say? or will she grow out of this? is it developmental? i'm not sure how to handle it. she's doing the same thing at bedtime too.

thanks for your advice.
I'm so worried b/c i immediately feel the depression and anxiety come back when we hit sleep problems. i've been crying most of the day...i don't know why. Plus she's practically walking all over the house, which is more stress.....please tell me this is developmental and her naps will get longer again?

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Offline isaac'smom

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10 1/2 mo old standing up and wont' go to sleep-DEPRESSED
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2005, 13:08:16 pm »
Hi Nicole,

I feel for you! I know how hard it can be to feel down when your lo isn't sleeping well. Do you have someone at home to help do at least the bedtime routine?

We went through this too when ds learned how to pull himself up to stand in his crib. What I did is laid him down for bedtime and left the room. He'd automatically stand up  :roll: . I'd wait until he was calling out for me or doing his 'I need you right now' cry. I'd just go in, matter-of-factly, and lay him down and leave again. In the beginning, I would have to repeat this 8-10 times maybe before he decided it wasn't very much fun and Mommy wasn't going to play or really react (I did praise him and clap when he did it during the day, so I didn't feel too bad). It was annoying,  but we got through it.

I think consistency is the key. It was so tempting to pick him up and rock him until he was drowsy, but I figured that would be confusing for him (ds might think 'why did Mommy finally pick me up now and not the last 5 times she came in?' or 'is she going to pick me up and rock me THIS time?'). Also waiting and listening before rushing in was something that helped.

Hope this helps! It will get better, I promise!
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Offline elfin

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10 1/2 mo old standing up and wont' go to sleep-DEPRESSED
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2005, 15:53:19 pm »
Hi Nicole,

I agree with everything that isaac's mom said.  We as well went through the same thing at that age when ds was learning how to stand on his own.  I did the same thing as isaac's mom, and just put him down, left the room, and waited until he cried out for me.  Then I would go in say 'night-night', put him down and leave again.  Sometimes it would take me going in a few times until he stayed down and went to sleep.  But you just have to stay consistent, and give the message that it's time to sleep.  Within a few days of him mastering this new skill everything went back to 'normal'.

I know it is frustrating, and I as well get those anxious feelings when there are those sleep disturbances.

This will pass!!!!


Myles 12/06/03

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10 1/2 mo old standing up and wont' go to sleep-DEPRESSED
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2005, 18:24:31 pm »
Hi Nicole,
We dont have the problem yet but am sure we will face it soon. As the others said be consistent. Have you thought about a grobag/sleeping bag? We use one and I am hoping that it will prevent this problem, fingers crossed anyway  :roll:

Offline Nicole-Momtomegan

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10 1/2 mo old standing up and wont' go to sleep-DEPRESSED
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2005, 04:45:12 am »
I put her on one nap today from 1-3pm. that worked well, and i only had to ly her down about 4times at naptime.
BUT bedtime was a diff story. it took 45min and me going in about 20 times to ly her down and finally keeping a hand on her tummy until she stopped moving before she went to sleep!
please tell me each day will get better if i'm conisistent?
right??? right??
oh, nightmare.....i'm having flashbacks of PU/PD about 5mo's ago!

Nicole :wink:
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Offline Kaeli

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10 1/2 mo old standing up and wont' go to sleep-DEPRESSED
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2005, 11:03:05 am »
Hi there

my lo is 12 months and doing just the same, but also waking in the night.  I read about using this method and have been for coming up to a week now, it seems to be working.

Georgia can't stand yet and is just sitting, so I will go in lay her down say 'night night time for sleep' then walk out, count to 50 and if she is still properly crying (usually she has sat up again by now) I will go back in and repeat.  It is now working after 2 or 3 times....sometime just once!

Last night though I messed up as she was crying so hard and wasn't sitting up I picked her up and she threw the most awful tantrum, it was terrible, I had to lay her on the floor.  It was as though I was interfering in her sleep by picking her up....that'll teach me!  So I won't be doing that again!

I am aiming for consistency as that way she should learn that there will be no play/feeding/interaction in the nighttime, just a siple lay back down, warm and loving 'night. night' then time for sleep!

Hope it works....

If anyone can advise me on what to do with a toddler who is crying, but not sitting or standing I would be very appreciative.

TIA & Good luck

Kaeli, mummy to Georgia born 21/07/2004