Hi ladies - would really appreciate your input.
DS is 6 months and an angel/textbook. He's been on solids now for about 6 weeks. He's recently started to eat pureed chicken at the 11.15am feed and has 3 solid feeds a day.
For the last week, he's been really fussy with his milk. He sleeps 12 hours at night, and you'd think he'd guzzle a bottle, upon waking, but we struggle to get 150mls into him the first feed, at 7.30am and after that, he only takes 80-120mls at a time. He always has milk first, so it's not as if he's filling up on solids...
He's a big baby (9kgs and 72cms long) and used to chug 200mls easily.......He's fed 3 to 3.5 hourly, any more and he just gets sooooo tired... I know that he should be 4 hourly by now.... Routine looks like this:
7.30 Wake, bottle and banana porridge
9am Sleep
9.45am Wake
11am Bottle and chicken with veggies
12 sleep
1.30 wake
2pm Bottle only
3.30 sleep
4.15 wake
5pm Bottle and rice cereal with fruit
7pm Bottle
7.20 Bed
Would really appreciate your thoughts.....how much milk should he take?