No don't apologize Kayna! It was something I didn't think about until you mentioned it! Is it hard to keep him from eating peanuts? It seems nuts are in everything...just like milk!!! Carolyn, excellent suggestion. I did read the ingrediants as I was throwing them away (so I wouldn't be tempted to eat more!). I didn't see anything that seemed suspious. Do either of you happen to know if the allergist would test me for a nut allergy without making me go off my meds? (I would have to stop my anti-histamine and my nasal spray
) I was thinking about waiting another month or 2 before being tested. We are moving in 2 weeks and I am hoping against hope that the climate change helps my seasonal allergies. I was beginning to fear that in my current environment they would last all season...which seems to last all year long!!!!!
But, being the anxious worryer type I know I'm going to worry now about whether or not everything I eat has nuts in it...until I know for sure.
However, I've got my fingers crossed that the reason I feel worse is because I've forgotten to take my nasal spray A LOT lately! (I didn't realize how much I'd forgotten until I looked back through my notebook...yeah, I have to write it down or I forget!). I certainly am hopeing to avoid having to add to my food "issues" with ANOTHER food I can't eat !!!!
Thanks for your help ladies!
Holly :wink: