I remember reading somewhere, don't ask me where, that to get enough Vitamin D for breast fed babies, the baby needs to be outside exposed to sunlight for a half hour a day (that's WITHOUT sunblock on).
Also, it said that it doesn't matter what YOU'RE taking because for the baby to get enough Vitamin D from you, you'd have to be taking lethal doses.
On the other hand, my pediatrician didn't tell me to use the drops, and I'm not sure about the flouride thing. Unless it's for something other than teeth that it very well could be, why bother until they're teething or drinking water?
It is up to you, but why take the chance? That's what I think. Even though Rickets is kinda rare these days unless you're looking at certain social groups (I vaguely remember this from one of my nursing classes), I don't want to be the exception to something like that.
If it worries you that the label says not for under 2, check the dosage amt with your doc. Double check with him or the pharmacist about how much you should be giving a baby.
All in all, I think you're pretty safe. It takes a whole lot to OD on Vitamin D. :lol:
Sorry if I rambled!