For Noel's 1st feed of the day I'm usually still pretty groggy so we are usually lying in my bed. Anyway... I've noticed for almost 2 wks now that she seems to want to "talk" during that feed. At first it almost sounded like wheezing, but she only does it during this feed- not any others if we're lying down. And the sound doesn't happen if we're sitting up. It's a combination of wheezing sounds and "talking" sounds, actually. Could the "wheezing" sound be a type of talking? (I had her checked out one morning b/c I was so worried at the sound- but the doc said she was perfectly fine!) :oops: I wish I would have asked him more about this, but he's not a guru on nursing.
Just don't know what's causing this! Any ideas? I don't mind if she just wants to be vocal, but don't know what would be sounding so rattly-or maybe that's her "morning voice." :lol: