Author Topic: "Talking" during 1st feed of day  (Read 2150 times)

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"Talking" during 1st feed of day
« on: August 05, 2005, 02:07:24 am »
For Noel's 1st feed of the day I'm usually still pretty groggy so we are usually lying in my bed.  Anyway... I've noticed for almost 2 wks now that she seems to want to "talk" during that feed.  At first it almost sounded like wheezing, but she only does it during this feed- not any others if we're lying down. And the sound doesn't happen if we're sitting up.  It's a combination of wheezing sounds and "talking" sounds, actually.  Could the "wheezing" sound be a type of talking?  (I had her checked out one morning b/c I was so worried at the sound- but the doc said she was perfectly fine!)   :oops:   I wish I would have asked him more about this, but he's not a guru on nursing.
Just don't know what's causing this!  Any ideas?  I don't mind if she just wants to be vocal, but don't know what would be sounding so rattly-or maybe that's her "morning voice." :lol:
-Marlo, mommy to
Madeline Marie (3/9/03)
Noel Julienne (5/25/05)
Eloise Anne (8/3/09)

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Offline Tori's Mom

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"Talking" during 1st feed of day
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 17:10:11 pm »
My DD is 4 1/2 months old and has had a lot of wheezing and noisy breathing since she was born.  I have had my Pedi check it repeatedly and he has assured me she was fine.  He said that some kids are just loud breathers.  Some of the infants cartilidge in their throats vibrate more when they breathe than others.  I was told this can make that raspy sound.  My DD now squeals in the mornings and I only notice the noisy breathing when she is really tired.  I would not worry about it if she is not showing any signs of asthma or if there is not a smoker in the house.
Mom to Tori   3/13/05

Offline Katet

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"Talking" during 1st feed of day
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2005, 00:41:20 am »
Do you feed Noel in a different place for all other feeds... if so maybe it it your bed linen causing an irritation?
That said I stopped feeding Liam in our bed in the morning (much as I loved as it is winter here) as he fed poorly, so maybe it is her way of protesting to feeding there!
Otherwise no advice... Liam is a noisy feeder sometimes & not others, so I can't pin it down to anything
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline marlowho

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    • HeyMarlo
"Talking" during 1st feed of day
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2005, 00:43:57 am »
Well, I actually noticed this sound today- in the middle of the day- when we were feeding sitting up. :?   So, I'm thinking it's what you described, japligian. (Is that a last name?) :)
I wasn't really worried about it, just wondering what it was.  And she does seem to really like to be noisy during some feeds.  She's actually much more interactive at this stage than Madeline was.  Madeline was always "down to business" when she ate- whereas Noel is pretty poky and likes to smile and talk while eating. Funny seeing their different personalities!
-Marlo, mommy to
Madeline Marie (3/9/03)
Noel Julienne (5/25/05)
Eloise Anne (8/3/09)

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Offline Tori's Mom

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"Talking" during 1st feed of day
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2005, 01:20:44 am »
Yes, my name is Jacki Apligian.  My husbands family is Armenian.  It is a VERY unique name!
Glad to know that your lo is doing well.  I know that I worry about EVERY little thing that my dd does! :wink:
Mom to Tori   3/13/05

Offline Katet

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"Talking" during 1st feed of day
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2005, 07:00:37 am »
Marlo apart from Liam being a big big boy & Noel being petite... these two seem to really be alike... Liam is such a "look around" boy when it comes to feeding too... last night even the night light was a distraction to his feed & he bobs on & off so often it drives me mad!
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05