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Offline jennc123

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I need some advice
« on: August 05, 2005, 15:30:32 pm »
I know this has been covered in the forum alot but I wanted to ask again, and specifically for my daughter.  Bella will be 5 months very soon and up until recently she has always taken nice 1 1/2 hour 2 hour naps every 2 hours or so during the day and going to bed about 8:30 and sleeping thru the night except for the 11pm dreamfeed.  Now she won't sleep past 45 minutes and does this all day long, part of the problem is she is into this turing herself over from her tummy to her back all the time to the point it making her cranky because she isn't napping.  Its starting to wear and I am ending up with one cranky baby!  what can I do? is this just a phase she is gowing thru?
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Offline Meg's Mom

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« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 18:04:22 pm »
I saw your post and thought of this thread for rolling.

For the 45min naps, it sounds like she is ready to gradually stretch her awake times.  Is she is on 3 or 4hr EASY?


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« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2005, 18:38:12 pm »
i think maybe she is ready for longer wake times.  also. with the rolling over, my lo did that for about a week, then got used to it, so that will work itself out!

Offline jennc123

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« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2005, 22:08:20 pm »
well she eats about every 3 hours and after being awake for about 1 1/2 she gets so cranky anyway that i always put her down for her nap.  I used to be able to just put her down on her tummy and she would fall asleep right away and now she won't, seriously I am dealing with one unhappy baby if she dosen't get her naps!  she lets us know. when I let her awake for longer its worse.  I wonder if I should put her down earlier at night, right now she goes down anywhere from 8-9 pm, with alot of rocking. and she stays asleep which is nice.
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Offline jennc123

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« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2005, 22:24:36 pm »
I am now wondering after doing some more post readings if I should implement more of a every 4 hour feed schedule, sometimes she snacks alot, like every 2 hours but mostly 3, I wonder if she would benefit more and be more satified with every 4 hour feeds?  I copied off the 3 and 4 hour EASY in the general section and will see if I need to follow one of those.  I have just been letting her wake up by herself in the morning which is anywhere between 7-8am but maybe I need to wake her at 7 am to start the day, and take more control over it.  sorry for all the posts, i am so tired today, and just want some advice.  thanks for all the help so far :) I appreciate it!
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Offline Meg's Mom

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« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2005, 22:48:37 pm »
Yes, Tracy says @ 4mos they should be on 4hr EASY.  But move her gradually, it wouldn't be fair to make her wait and extra hour.  Stretch your feedings 15min every 3 days.  This might also help w/ the 45min naps.

But we only had success w/ those short nap when we slowly extended awake time.  Do it very gradually, 15min every 3 days or if you think that will be too much - do 5 or 10 min every few days, until she starts sleeping longer again. 

At 5mos, our LO could stay awake 2.0hr - 2.5hr.

Hope that helps, post as much as you need - this is a great place for support!!  :wink:

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« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2005, 23:46:12 pm »
Yea, sleep defintely got messed up when lo learned how to roll (which, btw, the same thing happened when he learned how to stand up.) For the rolling I tried putting him down on his tummy first before he could roll over onto it and start crying.(I usually put him down on his back) He fussed a bit at first, but learned to like it pretty quick and before I knew it he was able to get himself into the position he wanted by himself in his crib. (Which was on his side like a little old man :)
Also something that helped stretch his awake time was saving a 10-15 minute walk right for when he'd get cranky. The fresh air and change of scene was enough to make the sleep cycle start later.
Also, it was hard, but if he always seemed tried after the 45 minutes at a certain nap in particular I had to learn to let him be, he was really just trying to stay asleep. I have to admit my huz taught me this. He had daddy duty on Saturdays and didn't feel as much of an emotional reaction when lo woke up crying. He figured he was "just getting comfortable." And he was right, he fell back asleep for up to an hour more. And learned how to stay alseep when he was still tired.
Sorry for rambling, sleep is the holy grail of parenting and we had quite a time learning how to do it well, so I still have it all fresh in my mind.
Calvin's mom July 24, 2004
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« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2005, 01:16:52 am »
Well, my almost 6 month old ds was never a great napper to begin with.  Consistent 45 minute naps all the time, but still cranky as anything!  We had some limited success in extending his nap times to an hour, or maybe 1 hr 15 min.  Occasionally he would sleep for 2 hours or so.

When he learned how to roll over both ways, he would disturb himself even more, so the 45 minute naps went down to about 20 or 30 minutes!  But after about a week of this, he has actually started sleeping better and longer during his naps.  (BTW - his nighttime sleep has been great for months).

I switched Ethan over to a 4 hour EASY schedule at about 5 months.  He just wasn't finishing his feeds at 3 hours anymore.  He was definitely ready to go to 4 hours.  Now he finishes his feeds most of the time (although he doesn't always want the entire bottle at his first feed of the day ~ usually around 7 am, not sure why that is, but whatever  :roll: ). 

As for activity time, I absolutely have to keep him up for 2 hours between wake time and nap time.  He will start getting cranky sometimes at about 1.5 hours, but if I put him down there is no way he sleeps longer than 45 minutes.  But 2 hours or so, and he's down. 

I will say this, now that he's rolling.  I put him down on his back, and he sleeps for about 30 minutes.  Then, he wakes up, and I can hear him flip over, and move around, and babble to himself.  He sometimes stays awake 30 to 45 minutes doing this!  And then he'll finally fall asleep.  I absolutely refuse to go into his room unless he starts out and out wailing.  Because he does do his little mantra cry sometimes, but he's just getting "comfortable", that's what I think.  If I go in, it makes it worse for him! 

Hang in there, it will get better.  Keep us posted on your progress!

Offline jennc123

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« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2005, 02:20:36 am »
well tonight I waited 4 hours to feed her, from 3:30 to 7, well actually 3 1/2 hours and then after her feed, which she did really well with, I BF, she drank like she was really hungry, I let her settle, read her a story and put her in her crib about 7:30, well she screamed and screamed and fell asleep!!  it was hard for me but the screaming lasted about 5 or 6 minutes but felt much longer, I hope she stays asleep, she rolled onto her side with her thumb in her mouth and out like a light.  I will give her a bottle at 11pm and see what happens through the night.  Now that i think about it I think she has been giving me cues all week but i have been so stubborn with what I was doing that I was trying to put her down right at the first sign of tiredness and crankiness, about an hour or so later after waketime and she just wouldn't nap for longer than 45 minutes.I will see what happens tomorrow!  thanks for all the advice :D  :P
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Offline jennc123

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« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2005, 16:39:14 pm »
well the transition is going okay...but now her new thing is to scream at every nap and now it takes an hour or longer to get her down at night :( seems to be getting worse, I used to be able to just put her down for her nap and now I have to rock her at least 15 minutes to calm her down...I really hope this turning over thing stops soon, she is wearing herself out and won't sleep.  I will keep trying, I think her waketime is too much so I may cut back on that as soon as i see the fatigue, it seemed to work better for me before.  I will keep you up to date, thans again for the advice. :wink:
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« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2005, 22:08:31 pm »
It does sound like she is overtired now. 

How long is awake between naps?

There is a fine line between tired enough to take a good nap and overtired when the wheels come off.

Keep up the good work.

Offline jennc123

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« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2005, 23:57:07 pm »
its frustrating now because i feel I just can't please her or get it right, and the screaming is unreal, I almost need to let her cry for 5 minutes or so to blow off steam.  Bella is a very perceptive, active, non-textbook baby.  very energetic and would rather play i think, but she gets so tired because we spend most of the time fighting these naps and bedtime now too.
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Offline jennc123

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« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2005, 16:36:43 pm »
Hi, me again...still having issues with naptime :cry: but I am not giving up, I found this article that I thought was very interesting regarding baby's sleep and thought some of you may find it useful as well.  I hope its okay to post.

it explains alot and i have been trying to follow her sleep cues alittle better.

on the otherhand now she has been waking up at 4am the last couple of nights and dosen't want to go back to sleep!!!
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Offline jennc123

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« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2005, 20:02:39 pm »
oaky this is weird, she is napping great today, 2 hours this morning and just went down again, couldn't keep her eyes open, so far its been every 2 hours she is napping, almost makes you wonder if she is sick or something....
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