Recently my ds 4.5 mos began arching his back yanking on my nipple, squirming like mad, and pretty much bobbing on and off the breast. Sometimes he gets a full feed, but I suspect rarely. He is gaining well,(15lb 14oz @ 19weeks) and has adequate bm & wet diapers. He is formula fed at night since 10 weeks due to inadequate nursing at night. He's on 3.5-4hr easy.
This recent behaviuor really has me seriously considering switching. He will bottle feed very well most times. Yes he is distractible right now however, this has been going on for two weeks. It is painful, and really quite irritating. It is a struggle every feed and I'm tired of it. My bback hurts from holding him up, he squirms off his pillow, and when I lay down to feed him hes off-on-off-on--off--on.......
I've tried the quiet room, stretching out the feeds but neither has helped. Any thoughts???