Author Topic: Weaning Issues - 12 month old  (Read 1123 times)

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Offline tcrjfisher

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Weaning Issues - 12 month old
« on: August 08, 2005, 14:45:03 pm »
A few things popping up with ds as we are weaning - we are currently on one feed every other day.  He is getting a lot of gas lately and pooping less - one day he didn't poop all day.  :roll:  In looking around at other websites, I think this is normal in relation to weaning from bf - anyone concur or had a similar experience?

Also, for me - wondering what is the best way to actually stop.  It's hard to find specific directions for stopping - only for starting!  We are now, like I said, at every other day, and sometimes I am sore by the time it is time to nurse.  How do I work up to stopping completely? If I get sore, should I express rather than nurse to relieve it, or do neither and go with cabbage leaves, etc.?  (Also, I looked for this topic here, but didn't find it - please re-direct me if I am in the wrong forum.)  I've read about moms who stopped cold turkey and didn't have any problems - that doesn't seem to be the case with me...

Thanks for any advice on these two items!

Offline krice

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Weaning Issues - 12 month old
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2005, 15:52:47 pm »
Hi there,
I am currently undergoing the 'weaning' process.  Although much earlier than you. :oops: I too would find that if I skipped a feed my breasts would become sore and engorged.  I introduced pumping and then gradually would pump less and less.  Doing this, I was able to decrease my supply enough so I could skip a pumping session.  I spent about a month working on decreasing my supply.  I got it down so I only had to pump once or twice a day.  My last pumping session was on Friday, I pumped .5oz from each breast.  I haven't pumped since.  My breasts are feeling fuller, but are not painful.  I keep massaging them (to check that I don't have any hard spots) but I am careful not to express anything.  It seems to be working.

I too looked for literature on this - couldn't find much.  Good luck.

Mom to Matthew (05-06-05)