Author Topic: Waking hourly!!!  (Read 2099 times)

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Offline jekholm14

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Waking hourly!!!
« on: August 08, 2005, 17:06:23 pm »
We've just got my DS on a good 4hour daytime routine, but he's been waking so much during the night for the last 4 weeks and we don't know what is going on or how to fix it.  Before the nightwakings started he was sleeping from 9-1, up for a feed, then down until 5 or 6.  Until 1 week ago he was a 45 min napper, but was still waking at night no matter what the routine (if any).  I know it's not the new routine that's causing this because he was doing it before as well.  He is breaking his swaddle alot though, so maybe that's what's waking him?
Our routine is :
                      7:45E and up for the day
                      8:45 2tbsp rice cereal
                      9:40 S (usually 2hours)
                      11:45 E
                      1:40 S (usually 1 1/2 to 2 h)
                      5:00 2tbsp rice cereal
                      5:45 S (40mins)
                      7:30 bath
                      8:00 E and bed, asleep by 8:30

He now goes to bed on his own, maybe with a little pat from me, that's all.
We decided on the rice cereal as he spits up at every feed and it seems to make him a happier baby.  (The doctor okayed this).
At night he wakes up sometimes at 10 when we go to bed, the at 12:30 for a feed, 2:30, 4:30-I feed him, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 so on... The times may not be exact as it seems somewhat erratic, but I know he's not hungry. When we go in sometimes we can just reswaddle in his crib and he'll go back to sleep, but 10mins later he's back up again.  Maybe he's formed a habit?  Or just the unswaddling thing??
Someone please help as we are very tired parents come morning!!!

PS sorry if this is too long, but I  don't want to miss anything that may give someone a clue.

Offline twiceamama

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« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2005, 02:12:06 am »
Oh wow! That sounds tough! I know what you are going through because my son was the same way pretty much always... except he would wake hourly after 2 or 3 am... I now think he was just a pretty noisy sleeper and since I responded to those "sleep noises" he became accostumed and then woke out of habit...that´s just ine of a string of mistakes I´m taking care of still!
Also, when did you start the careal? maybe his tummy hurts or something...
The naps sound amazingly well!!! And you´re promoting his independent sleep, but maybe he´s got the re-swaddle or your patting as a prop??? babies are such fast lerners!!! :roll:
If he´s older than 3 mo. you could do PU/PD...

Hope this bit helps...
Just learning to be a mom!

Aixa, mom to
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Waking hourly!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2005, 02:15:56 am »
Are you breastfeeding or formula feeding?  If you're breastfeeding, it could be that the 4 hourly schedule has him not getting enough to eat during the day.  Also, as the previous poster said, the cereal could be making his tummy hurt.
Mommy to
Kiandra Diane 6-11-03
Kalli Louise 9-20-04
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Offline jekholm14

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Waking hourly!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2005, 13:48:04 pm »
Thanks, I decided after waking evey hour last night from 11:00 to stop the rice cereal.  He doesn't seem to be in pain, but I can hear many thing coming out of him, so maybe he is disrupted.  Also when I go to him it only takes a min or two to get him to sleep without picking him up so maybe I should wait a bit to go to him?  And we will try a 3 hour routine today.  Wish me luck!  :wink:

Offline frankiesmom

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Waking hourly!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2005, 13:56:09 pm »
Have you thought about reflux? If you are seeing alot of spitting up, it may be that he has reflux and that is why he is waking so much at night.  He may not be hungry but he may be in pain when he is sleeping and sometimes eating soothes the reflux.  Just a thought.


Offline jekholm14

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Waking hourly!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2005, 18:45:25 pm »
I thought of reflux before as he was always spitting up, but don't they have to cry in pain?  He's a "happy spitter"  usually laughing after he does it.  I've told my doc he spits up after feeds and she dismissed it as developmental. :?:   I will check the board on reflux, and maybe post there.

Offline twiceamama

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« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2005, 17:35:00 pm »
Take advantage of his age and the fact that he goes back to sleep without being picked up... you know the SLOW acronim? Stop Listen Observe to figure out What´s up? So maybe he is making sleep noises (sometimes outright cries!) and he can self-soothe!
Just learning to be a mom!

Aixa, mom to
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Offline ligato

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Waking hourly!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2005, 10:47:42 am »
Hi there,

It sounds to me as though he needs the security of his swaddle to resettle...exactly like my daughter.  I still have to wrap her tight and she is 10 months... I have tried repeatedly to stop or losen it to no avail, it's just her.  I now use a cot sheet and then a cotton blanket.  Flanelette was good for a while too... I would suggest finding something he can't get out of and see if that helps.


Offline micah'smom

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Waking hourly!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2005, 17:44:26 pm »
my ds is in the same boat. he's 4mo, we've been on 4hr easy for about 3 weeks. he was doing fine for a while , even sleeping from 8pm-7am straight one night  :shock: (don't worry i clusterfed him before bedtime!)

but i just started giving him a LITTLE rice cereal for him to get used to and all of a sudden he's waking up every couple hours. he's a tummy sleeper tho, not swaddled, but recently he's been rolling onto his back a lot too. oy!

has your lo been better after stopping the rice cereal? i've heard organic brown rice cereal is better for them. anyone tried this?
selena, mom to micah 4/14/05