We've just got my DS on a good 4hour daytime routine, but he's been waking so much during the night for the last 4 weeks and we don't know what is going on or how to fix it. Before the nightwakings started he was sleeping from 9-1, up for a feed, then down until 5 or 6. Until 1 week ago he was a 45 min napper, but was still waking at night no matter what the routine (if any). I know it's not the new routine that's causing this because he was doing it before as well. He is breaking his swaddle alot though, so maybe that's what's waking him?
Our routine is :
7:45E and up for the day
8:45 2tbsp rice cereal
9:40 S (usually 2hours)
11:45 E
1:40 S (usually 1 1/2 to 2 h)
5:00 2tbsp rice cereal
5:45 S (40mins)
7:30 bath
8:00 E and bed, asleep by 8:30
He now goes to bed on his own, maybe with a little pat from me, that's all.
We decided on the rice cereal as he spits up at every feed and it seems to make him a happier baby. (The doctor okayed this).
At night he wakes up sometimes at 10 when we go to bed, the at 12:30 for a feed, 2:30, 4:30-I feed him, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 so on... The times may not be exact as it seems somewhat erratic, but I know he's not hungry. When we go in sometimes we can just reswaddle in his crib and he'll go back to sleep, but 10mins later he's back up again. Maybe he's formed a habit? Or just the unswaddling thing??
Someone please help as we are very tired parents come morning!!!
PS sorry if this is too long, but I don't want to miss anything that may give someone a clue.