Hi Samantha's Mum
thanks so much for your helpful reply. I had been searching through the baby whisperer book and getting frustrated on finding little on change of nap times for 6 months but now that you say it I do remember reference to dropping the catnap but of course I read this back when DD was around 4-5 motnhs so i'd forgot :roll:
Your routine sounds good, I'm going to try entend DD's awake time next few days, this evening I got her to stay awake from 2.15 to 5.15 and then put her down just a few mins for catnap, but tomorrow I'll try drop the catnap and extend her awake time earlier in the day so that her feed time that was about 3 will now be closer to 4 and I think I should manage to keep her awawke from 4-7. It looks like you've dropped the dreamfeed or have you? We only re-introduced it a month ago after failure with it a fe wmonths back and it's been working well. I'm only giivng DD tiny amounts of solids yet for breakfast and lunch so I think we still need the dreamfeed for another few weeks.
Routines are forever changing aren't they, I've no sooner grasped it and then it all goes pear shaped and I've to do something to adjust it all ! I must go look for your confused post to see if there's anything else I need to learn.
Thanks a million