I've asked my DS's pediatrician. He told me that, honestly, most babies that are BF exclusively don't need to eat solids during their first year of life. It's because mommy's milk changes along with the baby and he can get all the nutrients he needs from that.
That said, eating is a big social thing for our culture. Even the other day, as I was eating with my family at my mom's house while holding the baby on my lap, my mother suggested I dab a tiny drop of oil or liquid onto his mouth since he was 'looking'. :?: :?: He doesn't know what eating is at this point, even though he watches us all the time.
So the doctor said that, while it won't hurt him to get solids, he simply doesn't need them at this age (my DS is 5 mo). And the fact that he would eat it if I gave it to him doesn't mean anything. Apparently there was some study done that shows babies will eat anything you give them (even hay!!!) because they don't know better! That shocked me!
So his suggestion is to wait until his pincher grasp gets better, to the point when he can pick up objects with his thumb and index finger, and he shows an interest in doing what mom and dad do at the table. Then, boil the heck out of a carrot, or cut up a banana that's mushy, and give it to him to eat with his own hands.
Okay... that's my doctor's advice. What I've read is that babies can start eating solids between 4-7 months old, starting with fruits and veggies and progressing to grains at a later time.