Author Topic: When to start feeding solids before breastfeeding?  (Read 1770 times)

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Offline Jrolph

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When to start feeding solids before breastfeeding?
« on: August 10, 2005, 16:54:42 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering at what age you should switch your lo to eat solids before being breastfed???

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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When to start feeding solids before breastfeeding?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 17:37:18 pm »
I've asked my DS's pediatrician.  He told me that, honestly, most babies that are BF exclusively don't need to eat solids during their first year of life.  It's because mommy's milk changes along with the baby and he can get all the nutrients he needs from that.

That said, eating is a big social thing for our culture.  Even the other day, as I was eating with my family at my mom's house while holding the baby on my lap, my mother suggested I dab a tiny drop of oil or liquid onto his mouth since he was 'looking'.   :?:  :?:  He doesn't know what eating is at this point, even though he watches us all the time.

So the doctor said that, while it won't hurt him to get solids, he simply doesn't need them at this age (my DS is 5 mo).  And the fact that he would eat it if I gave it to him doesn't mean anything.  Apparently there was some study done that shows babies will eat anything you give them (even hay!!!) because they don't know better!  That shocked me!

So his suggestion is to wait until his pincher grasp gets better, to the point when he can pick up objects with his thumb and index finger, and he shows an interest in doing what mom and dad do at the table.  Then, boil the heck out of a carrot, or cut up a banana that's mushy, and give it to him to eat with his own hands.

Okay... that's my doctor's advice.  What I've read is that babies can start eating solids between 4-7 months old, starting with fruits and veggies and progressing to grains at a later time.

Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

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When to start feeding solids before breastfeeding?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 01:52:31 am »
The original question wasn't when to start solids, but when to start giving solids before breastfeeding, rather than breastfeeding then solids.

I never have with either of my dd's so far.  Every once in a while we will be out at nursing time, and kalli will eat and then nurse at home, but 95% of the time she bfs, then has solids.

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When to start feeding solids before breastfeeding?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2005, 04:26:28 am »
Oops... sorry I misread the original question.  Sorry ladies!!   :oops:
Thanks Rachelle!
Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

Offline Jrolph

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When to start feeding solids before breastfeeding?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2005, 11:28:06 am »
Thanks for your replies, my DS doesn't seem to eat very much of his solid food.  I have read places approx. how much he should be eating at his age and he isn't eating what they say.  Some babies eat a full jar of food at a sitting plus other food.  My DS will only eat half a jar at the most but then he won't eat any cereal or anything else.  I want to make sure that he is getting a balance of food so I don't want to fill him up on one thing.  Thanks for the info and I will just keep doing what I am doing and hope that eventually he will want to eat more solids.


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When to start feeding solids before breastfeeding?
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2005, 17:28:29 pm »
Jrolph, my son was the same way and we went through the same issues as you. I didn't know whether it was better to nurse first or after solids. So, to ensure that my son got as many nutrients and vitamins as he could, I chose to nurse first. Granted, my son was considered small for his age. I think at 8 months he was only 14lbs. or so (he was born 5lbs. 4oz) but he was very healthy and had a relatively healthy appetite for his size. I wouldn't be too concerned...If you'd like to expand on his diet, you can give small amounts of everything ie. a little cereal, a little veggie, a little fruit and some meat. It doesn't have to be alot, just as long as he's getting a taste of everything. HTH! :D
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