Author Topic: Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?  (Read 2521 times)

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« on: August 10, 2005, 21:03:41 pm »
I have read in two books now that rice, whole grains, and breads should not be given to babies under the age of 1.  The enzyme ptyalin is neded to digest these starches.  Wonder if this is a cause of wheat allergies? Just curious to know whether anyone else has read/heard this.

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 21:13:34 pm »
I was told the same by my DS's pediatrician. No grains/starches during the first year.
Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 01:33:54 am »
Just curious what you do in place of baby cereal? Especially if you're bf?

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2005, 01:40:40 am »
If you BF your baby, you don't need to give them cereal.  Your breastmilk changes as your child grows, unlike formula.  So, whereas you will reach a limit as to how much formula you can give your child to get them full (their tummy will hold only so much fluid), your breastmilk will satisfy them without additional food.

I have added a post to a thread that asks about when to start feeding solids to a baby.

If your child is formula fed, you can give them the strained fruits and vegetables (like those in jars).  I'd consult the pediatrician first, though.

Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2005, 01:43:54 am »
Mmmm thanks! I'm actually ff now but there seems to be such a BIG deal about making sure babes get enough baby cereal for the iron and the nutrients once they are on solids... I make all my own food and sometimes I can't for the life of me figure out how the rice cereal with a bunch of added vitamins will be better for dd than the well balanced "real" food I make for her. Especially being ff, she should be getting what she needs...

Just curious... I will check out the link. Thanks for the reply!  :D

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

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Offline rachelle

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2005, 01:53:23 am »
Quote from: GG
If you BF your baby, you don't need to give them cereal.  Your breastmilk changes as your child grows, unlike formula.  So, whereas you will reach a limit as to how much formula you can give your child to get them full (their tummy will hold only so much fluid), your breastmilk will satisfy them without additional food.

I have added a post to a thread that asks about when to start feeding solids to a baby.

If your child is formula fed, you can give them the strained fruits and vegetables (like those in jars).  I'd consult the pediatrician first, though.


I know a lot of people that don't give cereal for different reasons, but usually a mom who is breastfeeding will not be supplying enough iron for the baby once the baby hits about 6 months.  That's why the iron-fortified infant cereal is recommended.
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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2005, 02:51:44 am »
i have been told the same as rachelle and read many things about it all saying that breast milk does not provide enough iron after 6 months.  basically they are born with a certain amount already in their system from the foods you ate during pregnancy, then BM or formula supplements that until 6 months and then they need additional sources.
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2005, 04:24:36 am »
I'll definitely bring up the question about iron with the pediatrician next time I see him.  I suspect, though, that 'mother nature' somehow found a way to supply all the needed nutrients to babies otherwise we wouldn't all be around.  ;-)
Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2005, 04:41:59 am »
Okay... wow! I wanted to do some research on this and this was the first link I found...I personally am not sure how to take it but it brings up some more interesting points about all this... thought I would share... :)

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2005, 04:48:58 am »
oh and if you click on the "starting solids" link within the article it gives a bit more info. Don't get me wrong, I'm a bw through and through!  :lol:  just like to read about all the different schools of thought and I thought you all might like to as well!

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
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Offline rachelle

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2005, 04:49:16 am »
Quote from: GG
I'll definitely bring up the question about iron with the pediatrician next time I see him.  I suspect, though, that 'mother nature' somehow found a way to supply all the needed nutrients to babies otherwise we wouldn't all be around.  ;-)

I think that most of us were started on solids way before 4-6 months.  Obviously, research has now shown that's not best, but it's not that we all survived soley on breastmilk for the first year. 

The site that you posted, sharon, has some information that conflicts with a lot of what I know.  Such as giving cow's milk starting at 6 months if necessary.  I know that a big reason for not giving cow's milk is that it doesn't have all the nutrients a baby needs, but it can also be pretty hard on their digestive systems, especially at 6 months I would think!
Quote (selected)
6. The breastfed baby 4 months of age needs to be getting more iron than can be provided by breastmilk alone.
Not true. For the baby the baby born at term who is breastfeeding exclusively, all the iron required is provided by breastmilk. However, by 6 months of age, more or less, it is prudent for the baby to begin getting more iron than that provided by breastmilk alone.

It goes on to say that infant cereal may not be the best way to get that iron, which is fine.  There are definitely a lot of other ways, the important thing is that babies do need that iron at some point, and won't really be able to get it from breastmilk indefinitely.
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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2005, 05:04:32 am »
I agree Rachelle... it's bizarre... and I do know "pablum" the first infant cereal was invented by three Canadian doctors at the sick kids hospital in Toronto precisely because a lot of babes weren't getting the required nutrition. From what I gather, it helped a lot of sick babies and prevented a lot of babies from becoming sick! And the cow's milk thing really threw me for a loop. I hope what he's saying is in small amounts it's okay. (as you hear with cooking with it after a certain age) I think the fear is people will try to replace formula or breast milk with cow's milk.... I don't know.... interesting though!

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
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Offline rachelle

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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2005, 05:12:09 am »
I know for me, personally, I"d rather give infant cereal than have to give iron drops, which can be very very very constipating.  And I've found that if you try the different grains, you can find one that is not very constipating for your baby.

I know a lot of parents have a hard time getting their babies to eat naturally iron-rich foods.  I've never forced my girls to eat anything, but pretty early on they just stopped eating veggies.  I can still get kalli (10.5 months) to eat veggies, but Kiandra (2 years) is nearly impossible.  And neither of them are huge red meat fans either. 

I guess all this to say that as long as your baby is healthy and getting the nutrient he/she needs, however you do it is ok.  Whether that be through cereal or naturally through foods, or what.  :)
Mommy to
Kiandra Diane 6-11-03
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Anyone else NOT feeding grains (rice etc)until after 1 year?
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2005, 10:07:34 am »
Quote from: rachelle
I guess all this to say that as long as your baby is healthy and getting the nutrient he/she needs, however you do it is ok.  Whether that be through cereal or naturally through foods, or what.  :)

Definitely!   :D   I know my siblings and I were brought up on formula and, at some point, cereal and we're all fine.  Also, with every research done that shows one thing, you can find another that says the opposite.  It's really confusing and you don't know what to believe, if you even have to 'pick' really.  I don't think that there's only 1 best way.

In the end, we just need to make sure that our babies are getting the proper nutrients without harmful stuff.  And we have to hope that the people that are giving us direction, the pediatricians and whoever else we turn to for help, are well-informed.
Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna