Author Topic: When to start wind-down routine?  (Read 1361 times)

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Offline CaedensMama

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When to start wind-down routine?
« on: August 11, 2005, 14:06:02 pm »
It has been taking us a good 30 minutes to get Caeden down for a nap and he has been going about an hour, maybe an hour and 15 minutes between naps. When should I start trying to get him to settle down and go to sleep - at the time he should go to sleep or a half hour before that? He is still crying alot as he goes to sleep - even with me holding him. Cries and SCREAMS even more if I try putting him down and pat/sh him there. Not sure what to do - but I am trying to get the naps more regular and longer then 45 minutes.
Thanks for any advice you may have!
Mama to:
Caeden (6/05)
Colm (3/07)
Alannah (11/08)
Tadhg (8/10)
and Ailish due Sept 16, 2011

Offline Meg's Mom

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When to start wind-down routine?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 03:14:13 am »
I would start the wind down 20-30min BEFORE sleep time.  If he can only handle 1hr of awake time then it will be 20-30min for feed, 5min diaper change, and then straight to wind down.

Keep an eye on his sleep window.. literally for some babies, this magical window is very brief. Once you see the first sleepy cue, do the 4 s wind down routine immediately. Also, keep his awake time at a minimal, and beware of overstimulation.

The crying is normal, YOU try and relax...that will help some.  Does he use a paci?  If not, that may help also.

Hang in there, sounds like you are on the right track - he will adjust soon.  Although my LO still cries before nap time, it is just their way of letting off steam - so don't let it worry you too much.

Offline CaedensMama

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When to start wind-down routine?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2005, 16:32:39 pm »
Thanks for the advice - he does use a paci and usually takes it to go to sleep. I have tried starting earlier this morning and he went down much better!  :D  Now if he will just stay alseep I will be thrilled!
Some crying I can handle okay - it is when he is going on 45 minutes or an hour of constant crying that it gets hard. I think I do need to be careful not to overstimulate him - I think sometimes that is his problem and plus when he gets overtired it doesn't help.
We will try earlier wind down and nap routines this weekend and see how it goes - I'll keep you posted!
Thanks again!
Mama to:
Caeden (6/05)
Colm (3/07)
Alannah (11/08)
Tadhg (8/10)
and Ailish due Sept 16, 2011