Author Topic: 3 months old and on rice cereal  (Read 2184 times)

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3 months old and on rice cereal
« on: August 12, 2005, 03:08:59 am »
my son was just 2 days shy of being 3 months old when I gave him a little bit of rice cereal.  It was runny and he took to it just fine.  That was 1.5 weeks ago and now he can't seem to get enough of it.  I give it to him before bed and tonight he ate approx 2-3 oz worth of it.....just gobbled it right up.  I made the consistency less runny over the past week and he's doing fine (almost like mashed potatoe texture now).

He is 14.5 weeks old now and the same amount in poundage.  He's got a healthy appetite....just not for as much breastmilk as b4, even during the day.  So my question is how long do you need to give one meal of solids (cereal) b4 you start adding more throughout the day?  He doesn't want my breast for any longer than 5 minutes anymore most times (even b4 cereal introduction) so I have to supplement with formula too.  He's definatly not going hungry according to his size but I'm starting to get confused about how to feed him appropriatly.

Any comments or suggetions out there.  Also it seems as if I'm the only one out there in BW world who has started solids this there anyone else out there or am I alone on this???


Offline Erin (redstarfalling)

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3 months old and on rice cereal
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 18:29:25 pm »
Hi Carrie - I was just wondering why you started solids so early? Have you read the announcement at the top of the forum "Is your baby ready for solids?" - it gives some basic information on how to know your lo is ready but also some of the potential health risks of starting solids too young (digestive, allergies, etc.).  I notice you're breastfeeding- that's really all your baby needs for the first 6 months and even for the first year, it's more important than the solids.  I'm not surprised he gobbled up the cereal - a lot of small babies will eat anything - even dirt, if it's offered!  :wink: But unfortunately, cereal doesn't give enough of the calories or nutrients that his growing brain and body need, so if he's filling up on that, he won't get what he needs from your milk. :oops:

You said that your baby only bf's for about 5 min - babies tend to get much more efficient at breastfeeding and it's not uncommon for a feed to only take 5 min.  However, by supplementing with formula, you're going to decrease your milk supply (you'll produce what baby needs - barring any complications - so if he sucks less, you'll produce less). 

Whether or not you plan to continue breastfeeding is up to you, as is when you want to add cereal young - it's your baby!  :) But I'm just cautioning you that there are health risks starting cereal so young and baby doesn't need it yet, and also that you might be inadvertantly affecting your milk supply.  :oops: HTH and feel free to PM me or ask if you have more questions or concerns!
Mother to Megan and Samantha

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3 months old and on rice cereal
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2005, 18:48:13 pm »
Hi Carrie!

Erin had some great advice for thing she alluded to is that young babies will often eat anything put in front of them. She's right on target, and in addition to that, it takes several months for babies to learn how to say "I'm full" with solid food. Young babies usually don't have the neck strength or head control to turn away, so that's probably why your son seems to have an insatiable appetite for solids. Also, since he can't tell you when he's had enough, he's likely filling up on solids and not having much of an appetite for the good stuff that he really needs - breastmilk or formula. You sound pretty stressed, and that's normal for starting solids...there are so many things to think about! It's okay to back off on the solids and make life a little simpler for a few more weeks!

I hope we've given you some good information! :D
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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3 months old and on rice cereal
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2005, 18:56:30 pm »
Hi Carrie - just wanted to add that the longer you can keep your LO off solid's the easier and more convenient for YOU!
I started my son on solids (under friend's advice) when he was 1 month old, hoping to have him sleep through the night!   :oops:
It of course never worked but once I started I did not know enough that it was OK to stop giving him solids so young and it was a pain whenever we went anywhere, having to take along extra everything (bibs, spoon, cereal, babyfood etc...).
I am older and wiser now with Molly (HA HA HA) and have decided just to keep her on the formula for as long as she is happy and gaining weight. She is on the small side so still only takes 4 oz or so every 4 hours or so, so I know I can continue with the formula and no solids for awhile.
You know your LO the best and if you feel he needs the cereal just go ahead and continue with it. My son did not end up with any digestive problems or allergies starting him on solids so early, it was just more of a hassle for me that's all. 
~Michelle (Spruce Grove, AB, Canada)


Offline mommycarrie

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3 months old and on rice cereal
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2005, 06:04:54 am »
Thanks for the advice.  I've heard about milk supply being affected but I'm not sure what is normal in terms of adequate or inadequate supply at 3 months.  A brief history....  I started BW when he was 4-5 weeks old.  At that time he would nurse for 10-20 minutes...tops.  A few weeks ago (before cereal), he started to go at about 8min and is now averaging 5 minutes like I mentioned b4.  I will express my milk a couple of times a day to actually see how much he takes, but it's not always alot.  I thought by starting cereal he wouldn't feel hungry as his short feedings were starting to affect both of our sleeping.  His neck is very strong and he can sit up quite well with one of those nursing pillows around him so he can push and turn away.  I guess i'm just really confused.  Today he started cooing after 3 min on one breast and he wouldn't even touch the other.  I just find it hard to believe that at 3 months he can be sustained for 3-4 hours.  I know it's possible for children about 2-3 years old not have small spurts where they don't want to eat as it even possible that a baby can go through a similar spurt?  I don't want to force feed him but I also don't want either of us to lose out on sleep and happiness.


Offline Erin (redstarfalling)

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3 months old and on rice cereal
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2005, 12:46:37 pm »
Babies go through MANY stages of eating when they'll want more or less. At 3 months, many babies can go 3 or 4 hrs without a feed.  It sounds like he's been gaining weight well - have you weighed him recently?  Since all this started, has his gaining leveled off?  If he hasn't been gaining weight recently, then I might be concerned, but if he IS, then he might just be a really efficient nurser to get what he needs in 3 minutes.  Is he waking a lot at night to feed?  And if so, does he take longer feeds then?  I noticed around 3 months that my lo became MUCH more aware of the world and was too busy looking around to want to eat.  So she made up for it at night!  Could this also be what's happening with your ds? Also, he's much better at getting milk out than any pump, so having a small pumped output doesn't mean much!  :wink:

If you want to exclusively breastfeed for a while, then you might want to consider dropping the formula as well as the cereal :oops: , particularly if he's been gaining well.  As long as there's no underlying trouble with your milk supply, slightly more frequent feeds (or pumps if you'd rather) during the day can increase your supply. PM me or you can ask on the breastfeeding board if you want help with this! Good luck!  :D
Mother to Megan and Samantha