Author Topic: Nursery and Naps...nightmare....time for 1 nap at 13 months?  (Read 1084 times)

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Offline Kaeli

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Nursery and Naps...nightmare....time for 1 nap at 13 months?
« on: August 12, 2005, 10:03:23 am »

My lo is nearly 13 months old and started nursery about 3 weeks ago.  Prior to this she was napping twice a day for 1.5hours each nap.

At nursery she will only nap once for 30 mins to 45 mins...and this is at erratic times.  It is beginning to have an effect on her home naps and the other day I could only get her to have one nap.

At 13 months should I try to drop one of the naps and extend the second one so that she can be in a bit more of a similar routine at nursery and home?  I am concerned at the lack of similar routine between home and nursery and wonder what I should do to even things out.....


Kaeli, mummy to Georgia born 21/07/2004

Offline thodder

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Nursery and Naps...nightmare....time for 1 nap at 13 months?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 13:16:45 pm »
I know that a lot of babies will try to drop at least one nap around the one year mark.  I know that I didn't nap at all anymore by the time I was one, and neither did my brother.  Your LO may just be going through the same thing - you can try just dropping the morning nap and seeing how you LO does.  Best way to judge is by mood - is the baby cranky?  If so, chances are more sleep is needed.  :-)  Just my thoughts anyway.

Theressa Hodder
Mom of Joshua, Spirited baby
Born May 6, 2005

Offline carasmom

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Nursery and Naps...nightmare....time for 1 nap at 13 months?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2005, 18:42:35 pm »
We got to 1 nap at about 13 months... but dd was never a very good afternoon napper- liked to take long morning naps, but just 30-45 minutes in the afternoon.  With that said, will the nursery let you designate a nap time?  If yes, then I would choose 10-15 minutes after lunch, and stick with that, whether baby is at home or there. And if she wakes early then try to resettle for about 15 minutes.  I try for 5 1/4 awake hours in the am and 5 awake hours in the pm- and then we usually get 11 1/2 to 12 hours every night.  HTH