Author Topic: EASY changeover  (Read 1932 times)

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Offline mirshine

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EASY changeover
« on: August 12, 2005, 11:10:26 am »
Has anyone else fast-tracked the changeover routine suggested by Tracy in her book?
The days 4-7 seem quite slow - just adding one set of 15 minutes on to the morning and thats it.  I'm thinking of moving on to the 8-11 one tomorrow (this is day 4).
Just wondering how everyone else handled it.  I'm only just getting Sarah into a routine from having none and not being able to sleep by herself - constant rocking which eventually led to that not even working!  So the PU/PD has been a life-saver.  We're on day 4 of that too, day 2 of doing that properly (thanks to Jennifer's post) and once I started the proper way I noticed a big difference.  Still struggling with getting her to sleep for more than 30 mins in her nap times, but we'll get there.
Anyway, sorry for rambling, its so nice to be able to talk about this stuff.  Any advice on the EASY routine would be appreciated.
Thanks  :)">[img width= height= alt=Lilypie Baby Ticker" border="0][/img]

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EASY changeover
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 18:49:44 pm »
I would say it greatly depends on your lo and how she handles the transition.  If things are going well and moving along nicely, try the next step.  IF things get bad after that, then you will know that you should take it a bit slower.
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