
What is the average nap length for your LO?

Less than 30 minutes
0 (0%)
45 minutes
3 (27.3%)
1 hour
2 (18.2%)
1.5 hours
5 (45.5%)
2 hours or more
1 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: August 12, 2005, 13:19:56 pm

Author Topic: What is the average nap length for your LO?  (Read 1553 times)

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Offline thodder

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What is the average nap length for your LO?
« on: August 12, 2005, 13:19:56 pm »
Just curious as to the average amount of time babies seem to be naping.  My little guy recently went from 2 x 2 hour naps to 4 x 45 minute naps and seems quite happy about the transition (still smiling and laughing even more now...).  It would be interesting to see how long other babies nap for.
Theressa Hodder
Mom of Joshua, Spirited baby
Born May 6, 2005


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What is the average nap length for your LO?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 18:42:33 pm »
our baby did the same thing.  she was taking 2 hour naps from 0-8 weeks, then 30-45 min naps from 8 weeks to about 6 months. now we are about 1.5 hour on naps!