EAT > Eating For Toddlers

DD#2 is a raisin fanatic with runny tummy


Hello ladies,

Just wondering how much raisins your los are allowed.  Dd#2 is mad for them but they seem to give her watery stools.  Is this coincidence?  How much should she have per day?


Dried fruits can cause diarrhoea- they are high in fibre and the sugars (frusctose) are more concentrated.  I would only give them in moderation - try reducing the amount you give until your lo's stools become normal again.

Alex loves raisins but not only do they make her poop nasty (she already poops 2-3 times a day without the extra fiber!) the sugar is too much.  so it is a treat for her to get them  and i usually give her 1-2 small handfuls on a plate so she savours them.  other than that she gets them in her porridge or she gets raisin toast for breakfast every now and then


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